
It always feels way more intimidating to present your ideas to senior management than it does to share them with peers, wouldn’t you agree? A room full of higher-ups has a completely unique agenda and way of evaluating proposals due to their responsibility for the success of the company — and many of us marketers don’t know how to tailor our presentations to their preferences.

To make matters worse, a recent study found that office workers typically get just three minutes of consistent attention before their colleagues lose focus due to smartphones or other distractions. In order to grab and retain attention, presenters need to throw out the traditional bulleted-list delivery playbook and focus on telling a story their audience can connect with.

We’ve teamed up with the folks at Prezi to bring you the foundational free guide, How to Give a Killer Presentation to Impress Your Boss. It’s got tips on:

  • Defining the why behind the what to make your audience sit up and lean in
  • How to an ROI proposal to prove the value of your ideas
  • Structuring your presentation for maximum efficiency
  • How to respond to negative body language and earn back lost attention

Click here to download How to Give a Killer Presentation to Impress Your Boss

presentation to impress your boss

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