Editorial (Page 3)

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Companies are always looking for ways to hire exceptional employees. In fact, finding and hiring top talent was one of the top challenges marketers reported in 2015.

But what do job seekers actually look for in a new company? How concerned are they about the culture at your company, or how much they’re paid, or whether they’re working in a particular industry? And how do these priorities differ depending on where you are in the world?

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Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Are you prepared for the unknown?

Prior to attending the National Preppers and Survivalists Expo in Louisville, Kentucky, I hadn’t put much thought into it. In fact, most days, I don’t even know what I’m going to eat for lunch, let alone what I’d do in the event of lean times — or worse, an apocalypse. 

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Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

It’s no secret that if you want to drive traffic to your website, convert that traffic into leads, and establish thought leadership, you should be publishing blog posts on a regular basis. The more often you blog, the more opportunity you have to drive traffic and leads, right?

But … when it comes to writing a new blog post, how much of a time commitment are we talking? How long should it take to write a typical blog post?

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Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Many a marketing team, big and small, has gathered around a conference table to brainstorm a list of crazy ideas. You know what I’m talking about — those “big, hairy, audacious goals” discussed so often that they’ve earned a place in the business lexicon.

Much more rarely, though, do teams actually execute on these crazy ideas.

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Thankfully for all you recent college grads out there (and your parents), the job market’s looking up for folks who’ve recently gotten their diploma. More employers plan to hire recent college graduates in 2015 than in previous years, according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). And for those ofContinue Reading

Madcashcentral Cash Content Curators provides valuable Advertising, Business & Marketing recommendations, resources, tools and opportunities.

Take a second and think about the three most important people in your life.

Got ’em? Okay, now here’s a quiz: Do you know all three of their phone numbers off the top of your head?

If you don’t, you’re not alone. Why waste brain space memorizing phone numbers when you can look them up on your cell phone whenever you want, right?

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