Business & Social Networks

Today’s marketplace is saturated with so many brands that getting your voice heard above all the noise is akin to completing a Herculean Labor. If that’s not bad enough, you also have just as many new businesses trying to make their own mark in the already cluttered environment we callContinue Reading

Social media is no longer an optional marketing channel — it’s a necessary one. But that doesn’t mean results are a given. When it comes to social media, you’ll either have a lot of success interacting with your customers, or you’ll see little results — and that depends on theContinue Reading

Twitter, a social networking site launched in 2006, is undoubtedly one of the most popular social media platforms available today, with 100 million daily active users and 500 million tweets sent daily. Twitter can be used to receive news, follow high-profile celebrities, or stay in-touch with old high school friends.Continue Reading

This week the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) developer Unwriter has released the second iteration of Bitdb, a global NoSQL database backed by BCH and implemented with Mongo-DB. Unwriter’s latest Bitdb 2.0 allows the protocol to continuously synchronize itself with not only the BCH op-return database but now the autonomous database syncsContinue Reading

We have recently added our messaging platform, the Speak Easy Saloon. What is a Speak Easy Saloon ? The earliest recorded use is from an 1889 newspaper, “Unlicensed saloons in Pennsylvania are known as ‘speak-easies’.” They were “so called because of the practice of speaking quietly about such a place in public, orContinue Reading

We were warned that robots would take our jobs. Now that the future is here, the reality is more mundane, but no less terrifying: the bots are here to take our tokens. Automated bots are swamping ICO groups on Telegram and helping themselves to a share of the tokens beingContinue Reading