Company Culture

Are you showing your employees enough support? Given that one-in-three workers would leave their companies for a more compassionate environment, there’s major incentive for companies to emphasize empathy skills sooner rather than later. For those of us working in a support role, our effectiveness ultimately boils down to how well we listen andContinue Reading

Whether you’ve recently been promoted to a leadership position, or you’ve been leading your team for years, it can often seem tricky to discern what being a “good” leader actually means. When you’re trying to determine the components of a successful leader, it’s easy to fall-back on certain terms weContinue Reading

When Karla Cook, the current Editor of HubSpot’s Marketing Blog, first joined the team as a staff writer in July 2016, she realized she had more in common with most of her new teammates than she originally thought. As a rhetoric major at Bates College, a liberal arts school inContinue Reading

It was quite a day for Recode — a digital tech news site owned by Vox — to kick off its annual Code Commerce event. The morning’s headlines were crowded. Marc and Lynne Benioff (the former of whom is CEO of Salesforce) announced plans to purchase Time Magazine. The Adbusters Media FoundationContinue Reading

We have recently added our messaging platform, the Speak Easy Saloon. What is a Speak Easy Saloon ? The earliest recorded use is from an 1889 newspaper, “Unlicensed saloons in Pennsylvania are known as ‘speak-easies’.” They were “so called because of the practice of speaking quietly about such a place in public, orContinue Reading