
This week the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) developer Unwriter has released the second iteration of Bitdb, a global NoSQL database backed by BCH and implemented with Mongo-DB. Unwriter’s latest Bitdb 2.0 allows the protocol to continuously synchronize itself with not only the BCH op-return database but now the autonomous database syncsContinue Reading

We were warned that robots would take our jobs. Now that the future is here, the reality is more mundane, but no less terrifying: the bots are here to take our tokens. Automated bots are swamping ICO groups on Telegram and helping themselves to a share of the tokens beingContinue Reading

In April 2016, something happened at Facebook that would quickly result in a revolutionary paradigm shift on the horizon of online communication — from mobile to desktop, marketing to services, personal to corporate — everything, really. Messenger opened its doors to developers with an invitation to create chatbots — something ofContinue Reading