Social Media Engagement

Today, there are over three billion active social media users. This implies that about 40 percent of the world’s population is actively using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, Instagram, and other social platforms. The next implication is that your target audience is most likely among these users. And thus, to getContinue Reading

Did you know an Instagram post with at least one hashtag averages 12.6% more engagement than a post with no hashtags? Hashtags are powerful. They can help your posts reach a target audience, attract followers in your niche, increase engagement, and develop a more positive and recognizable brand image. Here’sContinue Reading

We have recently added our messaging platform, the Speak Easy Saloon. What is a Speak Easy Saloon ? The earliest recorded use is from an 1889 newspaper, “Unlicensed saloons in Pennsylvania are known as ‘speak-easies’.” They were “so called because of the practice of speaking quietly about such a place in public, orContinue Reading

A new study reveals that there may be a shakeup on the list of the top five U.S. websites. According to research conducted by Market Intelligence Central, the top highest-visited websites in the U.S. have largely held steady for a few years. That order is as follows: Google Facebook YouTube YahooContinue Reading