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Working in the marketing industry requires a lot of willpower. Between trends changing and attention spans shrinking, doing your job well is no easy feat. 

The same can be said about sales. Quite simply, it’s a constant grind. And while marketers may not always be in the trenches with their sales reps to see it, that doesn’t make it any less real. 

Aware that aligning your sales and marketing departments is critical to improving your organization’s output, we’ve compiled a list of inspiring tips and advice from some of the top sales rockstars speaking at #INBOUND15 to help marketers better understand the world their reps are living in. 

From Jill Rowley’s tips on social selling to Daniel Pink’s insights on how to influence people, there’s a ton of good advice to be had from these knowledgeable speakers. 

Want to hear these speakers at INBOUND15? Now’s your chance — book your ticket today.

27 Tweetable Quotes From Sales Rockstars Going to #INBOUND15

Daniel Pink (@DanielPink)

Daniel Pink is a keynote speaker at INBOUND.

1) “Anytime you’re tempted to upsell someone else, stop what you’re doing and upserve instead.” twitter-logo

2) “In the new world of sales, being able to ask the right questions is more valuable than producing the right answers.” twitter-logo

3) “Clarity on how to think without clarity on how to act can leave people unmoved.” twitter-logo

4) “If you need me to motivate you, I probably don’t want to hire you.” twitter-logo

5) “Think about the essence of what you’re exploring — the one percent that gives life to the other 99.” twitter-logo

Jill Konrath (@jillkonrath)

Jill Konrath will be leading “Optimize Me: Insanely More Productive Sales Strategies”.

6) “Think about the most important points of your story — from your customer’s perspective, not yours.” twitter-logo

7) “When you keep it simple, you make it easier for customers to buy from you.” twitter-logo

8) “Be your buyer’s resource center.” twitter-logo

9) “As sellers, if we’re going to be successful landing the big ones, we need to expand our thinking about what’s possible.” twitter-logo

10) “Today’s prospects want to know the truth, so don’t shade it.” twitter-logo

Trish Bertuzzi (@bridgegroupinc)

Trish Bertuzzi will be leading “7 Sales Development Hacks to Jack Pipeline”.

11) “You have to believe in what you sell and you have to care about your industry.” twitter-logo

12) “It is the cold that is dead — not the calling.” twitter-logo

13) “Buyers won’t engage with sales reps who pitch product, but they will give access to trusted advisors.” twitter-logo

14) “What if you let your customers do the talking?” twitter-logo

Jill Rowley (@jill_rowley)

Jill Rowley will be leading “Social Selling: How to Connect With the Modern Buyer”.

15) “Your network is your net worth.” twitter-logo

16) “LinkedIn is no longer an online resume. It’s your digital reputation.” twitter-logo

17) “No one really likes and trusts the quota crusher.” twitter-logo

18) “Common sense isn’t optional. Don’t do stupid.” twitter-logo

Tony Alessandra (@TonyAlessandra)

Tony Alessandra will be leading “How to Read a Person Like a Book”.

19) “Unless you ask the right questions, you won’t uncover the right needs.” twitter-logo

20) “Your customers aren’t just part of your job. Your customers are the reason you have a job!” twitter-logo

21) “Enthusiasm, not apathy, makes the world go ’round.” twitter-logo

22) “Trust and reputation are not discretionary. They are as necessary in business as the people in whom they reside.” twitter-logo

23) “In selling as in medicine, prescription before diagnosis is malpractice.” twitter-logo

Craig Rosenberg (@funnelholic)

Craig Rosenberg will be leading “6 Sales Hacks That Actually Work”.

24) “Takers are going the way of the dinosaur.” twitter-logo

25) “You can’t propose a mutually beneficial business relationship if you can’t understand their business.” twitter-logo

26) “Your job is to not only help but to strive to give more than you get back.” twitter-logo

27) “Create great content until the cows come home.” twitter-logo

Looking for even more inspiration? Join the Malala fund at #INBOUND15 and support their mission to provide quality, free, and safe secondary education to girls worldwide.

learn more about INBOUND 2015

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