
Here at HubSpot, we’ve created several resources that can assist you during the website design or redesign process (like this Excel workbook, and this SEO guide). But we also recognize that even if you’re considering a website redesign, you might not be ready to get into the nitty gritty of the redesign process quite yet.

Maybe you’ve identified some issues with your site’s current design, but are still contemplating how you should correct those issues. Or maybe your intern has finally convinced you that your business’ 1998-era website looks a bit outdated, but now you’re at a loss as to what direction you should take the site stylistically.

Or, ya know, maybe you’re not considering a website redesign, but want to kill some time and look at a bunch of beautiful homepages.

Whatever the case, this is the resource for you: 50 Examples of Brilliant Homepage DesignIn this free lookbook, you can explore homepage designs from businesses all over the world in several different industries, including: 

  • Agency & Studio 
  • Software & Tech
  • Nonprofit
  • Ecommerce & Retail
  • and more!

Here are a few examples:


“But wait …” you might be thinking to yourself. “Erik, you’re not really a designer. You’re a content strategist. How do we know these homepage designs are even any good?”


Two real designers here at HubSpot — Anna Faber-Hammond and Samantha Siegel — helped curate and write the entire thing.

So go on, download this free lookbook and get inspired.

Of course, we couldn’t collect every brilliant homepage design out there, so if you have other examples you’d like to share, let us know in the comments section below! 

download 50 examples of brilliant homepage design

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