It’s finally the big day: you landed a major job interview. And you’re prepared for it. You’ve polished up your resume, picked out a spiffy outfit, and prepared a few ready-to-go answers highlighting your qualifications, your knowledge of the company, and your greatest not-so-bad weaknesses.

But have you practiced making eye contact? Rehearsed how many times you’re going to nod? Reminded yourself that — whatever happens — you won’t cross your arms?Click here to download leadership lessons from HubSpot founder, Dharmesh Shah.

Body language shouldn’t be an afterthought. How you present yourself can have a big impact on how you’re perceived during the interview, and if you ultimately get hired.

To highlight the importance of body language during a job interview, the folks at On Stride Financial share nine common mistakes and how to avoid them.

When you’re asked why you’re qualified for the role, you’ve already got the words down. Now, let’s make sure you have the actions to back it up.


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