Ever since moving to Boston a few short months ago, I’ve allowed the Internet — Yelp reviews, social media messages, food blogs — to guide almost all of my of restaurant choices. Empowered by the vast amount of information at my fingertips, I’ve been able to dodge cold steaks and rude waiters while uncovering some of the best grub in the city.
For businesses, this concept is both intriguing and concerning. It places a strong emphasis on the need to deliver a customer experience that’s nothing short of remarkable.
But these days, all it takes is a couple of negative reviews to derail what you’ve worked hard to build. Businesses must not only remain in-tune with the expectations of their customers to succeed, but also find a way to exceed them. Check out this infographic from Sprinklr to gain a better understanding of how your customer’s level of satisfaction can directly impact your bottom line.