Employees are the lifeblood of the agency business, and maintaining a productive and engaged workforce is one of the most challenging aspects of running an agency. But it can be hard for owners to understand the attitudes and goals of an increasingly diverse workforce, and employees may find it difficult to give honest feedback anonymously.

To find out how the attitudes of agency employees shape their goals and opinions about agency work, HubSpot is partnering in a new Agency Employee Attitudes Survey.

The survey is anonymous, and should take less than 15 minutes to complete. Respondents who participate by September 15th can enter to win a $250 Amazon.com gift card.


The results of this study will be presented at INBOUND 2016 in November.

The Agency Employee Attitudes Survey explores topics such as:

  • How do agency employees view the importance of work, play, and balancing the two?
  • What expectations do they have from their agency employers, and how do they view their own responsibilities?
  • How do they compare the pros and cons of working in an agency versus in a client-side organization?
  • How did they first choose to work in an agency, and how likely would they be to recommend an agency career to others?
  • Which features and benefits of an agency career are most important to them?
  • Do millennial employees actually feel differently about work than other age groups?
  • How can agency owners better understand their employees and offer them features and benefits they will value?

All participants can get free access to the results, which will be shared for the first time at HubSpot’s INBOUND Conference in November 2016.


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