
You’ve heard the expression “don’t reinvent the wheel.” The same is true for content – don’t reinvent it, repurpose it.

Start with a white paper, guide or ebook that you’ve written to support a product or service that you sell. With this one piece of content, you can easily repurpose content five times through different channels. Here’s how!

1) Break it out Into Multiple Blog Posts

Take sections of content from the white paper and set them up as individual blog posts. You’ll build a library of valuable content assets and work toward SEO ranking for your keywords. We know that blogging helps drive traffic to your website, converts traffic to leads and establishes authority.

2) Share Facts via Social Channels

Take a few key statistics from the piece and write social posts using that content. If you have the time, create graphics of the statistical information. Use visual content, which can generate up to 94% more views. Write compelling content to complement the visual and provide a link to a landing page with an offer to download the white paper.

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3) Distribute Content in an Email

Build an email campaign using content from the white paper. Ensure that you keep the email short and simple and that you have a strong call-to-action. Make sure the content is repurposed to resonate with your target audience. If you are making an offer, know that relevant emails generate 18 times more revenue than broadcast emails.

4) Integrate the Content Into Your Website

While the white paper likely delved into great detail surrounding your product or service, take just a few key points and add that content and visuals to the product page(s) on your website.

5) Communicate via a Video

Pull a few key points from each section of your white paper to develop your storyboard for a video. Whether you have a narrator talking through the key points or include the text within the video, share the features and benefits of your product or service. Provide a strong call-to-action to help build your lead funnel.

Repurpose doesn’t mean that additional work isn’t involved. However, that work is streamlined as you start to define your key messaging and find creative ways to use what you have. It builds a cohesive message that is reiterated through your distribution channels, helping to make your name become synonymous with the key message.

The Bottom Line

If you want this piece of content to extend even further into your marketing efforts, download Five Tips to Promote Your Content. You’ll be sure to find some additional ideas on how to get the most use out of your content!

how to make a marketing content machine ebook





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