state-of-inbound-UKWe’re excited about the recent launch of HubSpot’s first ever U.K. edition of the State of Inbound: Inbound Insights U.K. – 2014, and we just can’t wait to share with you some of the data we uncovered.

For our report, we surveyed marketing professionals across the United Kingdom, both leaders and practitioners, to find out the current trends in marketing.

Our research aims to help marketers in the U.K. set realistic benchmarks and focus on issues where there is progress to be made. For example, sales and marketing are developing closer and closer relationships, and the data strongly indicates that businesses that align these two departments outperform those that don’t by a significant margin.

We discovered a whole lot of fascinating data on the state of inbound marketing in the U.K., which you can access in full by downloading the report. Impatient for nine of our most remarkable discoveries for the report? Check out the SlideShare below.

9 Revealing Inbound Marketing Insights From the U.K.

1) Adoption of inbound is growing at a similarly rapid rate in the U.K. as in the U.S.

“79% of U.K. companies implemented inbound marketing strategies in 2014. This is a year-over-year growth of 24%.” Click to Tweet!

2) Lead generation is the #1 marketing goal in the U.K.

“1 in 4 companies [in the U.K.] under 200 employees selected lead generation as their top priority.” Click to Tweet!

3) Successful inbound marketers are focusing on SEO.

“43% of U.K. marketers who already see positive ROI from inbound are focusing on SEO as top priority.” Click to Tweet! 

4) Hiring top talent is not a priority for marketers in the U.K.

“Only 3% of marketing leaders [in the U.K.] placed hiring top talent as a top priority.” Click to Tweet!

5) Proving ROI is a challenge, but not a priority.

“Proving the ROI of inbound marketing activities was rated as the top challenge for 29% of U.K. marketers.” Click to Tweet!

“Only 13% of U.K. marketers rated proving ROI of inbound marketing as a top priority for their company.” Click to Tweet!

6) The majority of content is created internally.

“1 in 2 U.K. companies whose staff are responsible for content creation are successful with inbound marketing.” Click to Tweet! 

7) Social and email are the top lead sources for UK marketers.

“71% of U.K. marketers said that email has become more important as a lead source over the last 6 months.” Click to Tweet!

 “82% of U.K. marketers said that social has become more important as a lead source over the last 6 months.” Click to Tweet!

8) Salespeople in the U.K. value inbound lead sources more than outbound lead sources.

“64% of U.K. salespeople believe social media has become a more important lead source in the last 6 months.” Click to Tweet!

“1 in 2 U.K. salespeople think tradeshows have become a less important lead source in the last 6 months.” Click to Tweet!

9) Better alignment is required between sales and marketing in the U.K.

“1/3rd of companies in the U.K. don’t have a formal agreement of responsibilities between sales and marketing.” Click to Tweet!

“In the U.K., the data indicates that having an Service-Level Agreement (SLA) in place means a larger inbound marketing budget.” Click to Tweet! 

“63% of U.K. companies who have an SLA in place also have a higher inbound marketing budget than last year.” Click to Tweet!

Want to learn more about the state of inbound marketing in the UK? Download the full report by clicking below:

download the 2014 UK inbound insight report

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