
How many of you out there wrestle with the urge to work outside of normal working hours?

If you have a hard time taking a break from work to the point where your physical and mental health are on the decline, it’s very possible you’re actually addicted to work. And you wouldn’t be alone: 27% of workers claim to be workaholics, and an estimated 10% might be clinically considered work addicts.

Working too much might not sound like a serious problem. In fact, nowadays, complaining about how much work you have has become a mark of social status for some people. But letting your job take over your life can have serious health repercussions — not to mention hurt your relationships with others.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to break your work addiction if it’s becoming a problem, like asking your friends and colleagues to keep you accountable, practicing mindfulness, and redefining what “success” means to you.

So, are you addicted to work? Quiz yourself using the flowchart below from The Business Backer. If it looks like you’re addicted to work or are at risk from becoming addicted, then keep reading for helpful tips on taking control and learning to live a healthy, balanced lifestyle.


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