Bitcoin Adoption Continues: Parking Lots, Supplies Store, Courses, and Boutique HotelBitcoin adoption continues to grow rapidly worldwide. This adoption roundup features four merchants that recently started accepting the digital currency – a boutique hotel in Spain, parking lots, an electrical supply store, and online courses in Japan.

Also read: Yahoo! Japan Confirms Entrance Into the Crypto Space

Parking Lots

Park Realty Co. Ltd., which provides a parking lot sharing serving called QRpark, announced last week that it has started accepting bitcoin payments.

Bitcoin Adoption Continues: Parking Lots, Supplies Store, Courses, Boutique Hotel“It is the service to convert the industry’s first monthly parking lot into a temporary parking lot,” the company described. A parking lot owner just needs to set up a visible signboard on the premises to be shared. “Guests using the parking lot select the parking time at the time of parking and pay the fee using the [QRpark] application,” the company detailed, adding that “Compared to [traditional] coin parking, capital investment is small, so the price is also cheap.”

The announcement states that the company believes that this system will lower the vacancy rate of monthly parking lots, and expects that approximately 4,000 locations and 10,000 renters nationwide to use this service throughout the year.

The QRpark team wrote:

We decided to introduce a bitcoin payment service, expecting to increase the convenience for customers by increasing the means of payment and [it will] lead to the acquisition of new customers.

Electrical Supplies Store

Bitcoin Adoption Continues: Parking Lots, Supplies Store, Courses, Boutique HotelFujiden Corporation recently started accepting bitcoin payments at one of its stores in Japan – the Yawata Electrical Materials Purchasing Center. This is done through Japan’s largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume, Bitflyer. The company currently has 11 stores in Japan, mostly in Kyoto and Osaka. The Yawata location is in Kyoto prefecture.

“Cash settlement is the mainstream for electrical wires, electrical construction materials, electrical tools etc. used at construction sites, such as [for] electrical work and air conditioning construction,” the company explained, adding that while its stores focus on credit cards, “We intend to pursue further convenience by introducing bitcoin payments.”

Bitcoin Adoption Continues: Parking Lots, Supplies Store, Courses, Boutique Hotel

Bitcoin Adoption Continues: Parking Lots, Supplies Store, Courses, and Boutique Hotel

Online Courses

Kiramex recently announced that it is accepting bitcoin payments for courses at its online school, Techacademy. Citing that customers can use Bitflyer’s Bitwise Shop to pay for all courses offered at the Techacademy online boot camp, the company elaborated:

Techacademy responds to the needs of users born from new technologies and markets, such as starting to offer blockchain courses since February this year. The bitcoin payment [option] this time is part of that effort.

Bitcoin Adoption Continues: Parking Lots, Supplies Store, Courses, and Boutique HotelSpain’s Hotel El Tiburon

El Tiburón is a boutique hotel located on the beach of La Carihuela, Spain. The hotel announced last week that it has become “the first hotel in Andalusia to accept cryptocurrencies as a form of payment,” specifically naming “four main cryptocurrencies: bitcoin, ethereum, litecoin, and bitcoin cash.” The hotel uses Coinbase Commerce to accept crypto payments.

El Tiburón says:

We bet on technology to provide our customers with the latest digital trends, due to the great boom that has been generated with bitcoin, ethereum, dash, etc., we have decided that our customers should be able to pay for our services with this innovative technology.

Bitcoin Adoption Continues: Parking Lots, Supplies Store, Courses, and Boutique Hotel

Do you think all merchants will soon adopt bitcoin? Let us know in the comments section below.

Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Park Realty, Bitflyer, Fujiden, Tech Academy, Hotel El Tiburon. 

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