TOFU (Page 4)

Whether or not business school is worth the investment is a hot topic these days. But regardless of where you stand, you don’t have to go to business school to gain a better understanding of how businesses work.

“Business” is quite a versatile topic with many components. There’s a lot that goes into becoming more business-savvy, whether it’s learning the “softer” skills (like people management and public speaking) or mastering the “hard” skills (like accounting and finance).

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Stress and anxiety — to some degree — are natural parts of everyday life. Think about it: You get that feeling when a driver cuts you off on your way to work, or when you have a looming deadline, or when you spill coffee on your shirt.

These stressful moments can range from uncomfortable and annoying (even motivational) to completely debilitating. 

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It used to be that Snapchat was seen as a platform geared mostly toward teens and pre-teens. But over the last several years, Snapchat has added features and made changes that have helped to move it into a much broader space.

No longer are they a niche photo-messaging service — they’ve become an established media platform valued at over $16 billion and with over 100 million users.

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When you nestle into your warm bed, shut your eyes, and slowly drift off to sleep … do you think your mind and body are shutting down for the night?

Not the case, my friend. While our bodies might remain (relatively) still when we sleep, our minds are hard at work. During these critical hours, a lot of that processing, restoration, and strengthening that’s so important to our bodies and minds is taking place.

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When it comes to improving productivity in the workplace, much of the advice we hear centers around the mindset or motivation of the individual in question — advice like “You need to set goals for yourself,” or “You need to focus on your passion,” or “You need to meticulously plan every portion of your day down to the millisecond.”

And while such advice can potentially be helpful, there’s one aspect of improving productivity that we often overlook: our environments.

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Whenever you watch an episode of Shark Tank, there always seems to be at least one product an entrepreneur pitches that makes you go: “Whaaa?”

That’s a big part of Shark Tank‘s appeal. If every product (or service) that got pitched on the show was perfectly reasonable, and perfectly matched to some target market, the show’s ratings would likely plummet.

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Some habits, like brushing your teeth, you’ve done so many times that they feel automatic. In fact, it’s probably true that every time you brush your teeth, you do so in pretty much the exact same way every time.

Other habits, like exercising for even twenty minutes a day, can feel nearly impossible to pick up.

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People often joke about coming down with “a case of the Mondays,” but for science writer Bahar Gholipour, Tuesday is the real worst day of the week.

As Gholipour noted in a story for New York Magazine, “Why Does Time Seem to Slow Down on Tuesdays?”, Tuesday is the day when “last weekend feels like it was ages ago,” while next weekend still feels “ages away.”

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It was senior year of college. My friend and I were walking home from squash practice and she asked me what I’d been up to that day.

I started with my overnight shift as an EMT and ambulance driver. Then, I told her about my early morning classes, followed by the long bus ride to an even longer day at my internship. I went on to talk about the other class I attended, and how I stopped to grab a quick bite to eat before making my way to squash practice.

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“Learn by doing.” It’s a theory of productivity we’re taught at a very young age, from the moment our parents make us sit down and practice the piano. Because practice makes perfect, right?

Years later, the lesson doesn’t change. We’re taught time and time again that productivity equals practice, output, and action.

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Founded in 2012 by Twitter co-founder Evan Williams, Medium is quickly becoming one of the world’s most popular websites. According to Alexa, has risen nearly 100 spots in the past three months alone to become the world’s 372nd most-visited site. (If you’re not impressed, remember that there are more than 1 billion websites currently in existence).

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“Never let schooling interfere with the tech startup you’re running out of your dorm room.” – Mark Twain

Admittedly I may have taken a few artistic liberties with the Mark Twain quote above, but the underlying sentiment remains: When it comes to learning — to amassing the knowledge you need to be successful in life — formal education isn’t always the best option.

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Off days. We all have them from time to time.

Maybe you didn’t sleep well the night before, or perhaps you’re working on a project that isn’t particularly exciting. Or maybe there’s no viable explanation at all, and you’re just straight up not feelin’ it that day.

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As someone who dabbles in Photoshop, I often get odd requests from coworkers asking if I can take person A and insert them into situation B. Usually, it’s for an internal slide deck, or a Wiki post, or for a Slack-related practical joke.

And while there are usually a bajillion more important things I could be doing when these requests come in, I nearly always say yes — with the caveat that I’ll spend a maximum of 15–20 minutes working on it.

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