
In a world where harboring your most sensitive data on the internet is a convenient risk that everyone seems willing to take, the ramifications could actually be much more alarming than a stolen credit card number — cyber attacks could dismantle society. According to this year’s Worldwide Threat Assesment, writtenContinue Reading

On September 29, Bitcoin Cash enthusiast Donald Mulders wrote an interesting post on the social media network The post detailed that he was attempting to host a website on the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) chain using the Bitdb 2.0 application. Following the write-up, and with a little help from theContinue Reading

From checking Facebook over coffee to ordering the lunch via the Seamless app to replying to customer feedback on Twitter, so much of our world is powered by code. Most companies, even if they’re not in the software business, need some kind technology to help them successfully run their companies.

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