If you’re anything like me, you probably do most of your work online.

Google Docs in particular is a fantastic tool for writing, editing, and sharing content with colleagues, enabling collaboration and teamwork on creative projects.

But there’s a downside to doing all your work online — if you suddenly board an airplane without wifi, travel to an area with limited access, or even lose power in your office, you’re suddenly left with zero access to any of your important documents.Learn how to run effective marketing campaigns using Google.

Losing wifi shouldn’t mean calling it a day and heading home: if you set it up ahead of time (this is key), you can continue doing work even when you need to do it offline.

How to Use Google Docs Offline

  1. Open the Google Docs Home Screen, and click on the Menu in the top right-hand corner (the icon with three lines)

2. Click on “Settings”

3. Click on the offline cursor, and move it to the right, so it’s blue (if it’s disabled, it will appear grey). Ensure you read a “Setting up offline …” message.

4. All set! Your Google Docs are ready for offline status.

How to Run a Marketing Campaign with GSuite

Check out this free ebook on running effectibe marketing campaigns using GSuite.

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