virality-(blog)… They really liked the following posts from HubSpot this week. Our most shared content includes posts about social media, email, content marketing, leadership, and virality.

Below are the five posts from this week that received the greatest number of social shares. Take a few minutes to catch up on anything you’ve missed.

Why Introverts Make Great Leaders


It’s not uncommon to mistake confidence for extroversion, so often people assume that the best leads are extroverts. In this blog post, discover why introverts often make great leaders.

9 Silly Pinterest Mistakes Only Rookies Make


Making a rookie mistake on Pinterest can result in missing out on traffic, leads and potential customers. This blog post identifies the most common mistakes rookies make on Pinterest as well as various tips to fix them.

The Art and Science of Viral Videos


Although there is no secret formula for creating viral content, there are some elements that we consistently see in videos that go viral. Read this blog post to learn some of the ways you can increase the chances of your videos becoming internet famous.

Running Out of Email Marketing Ideas? 17 Sources of Endless Inspiration


You don’t need to go far to find content to put in your emails — you just need to know where to look. To point you in the right direction, this blog post offers 17 sources of endless email marketing inspiration.

Why Content Alone Isn’t Content Marketing


Lots of people assume that they are doing content marketing when they’re really just creating content. This blog post will explain the drastic difference between content creation and true content marketing.

What was the most interesting thing you learned this week on Inbound Hub? What do you want to see more of? Leave your feedback in the comments!

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