All the evidence suggests that Facebook’s News Feed is now one of the most powerful content channels in the world. Don’t believe us? Let’s look at some recent studies.

Shareaholic research shows social media now drives more traffic to its publishers’ websites than search, and that Facebook dwarfs all other networks. According to Shareaholic’s latest report, Facebook now drives 25% of all traffic to its publishers’ websites.

Also, according to Forrester, Facebook owns 13% of all time spent on mobile devices. Plus, the average U.S. Facebook user (there are 222 million of them) spends 14 hours a month in his or her mobile Facebook News Feed.

The ability to create engaging posts in Facebook has therefore become a key part of any content amplification strategy. But what can you do to create better post engagement? 

Mari Smith and BuzzSumo have put together the following helpful infographic on eight Facebook engagement statistics that every content marketer needs to know.  

Want to learn what content performs best for any Facebook Page? Check out this new tool from Buzzsumo.

download our free facebook tips guide

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