
This rebuttal to Dr. Doom, AKA Nouriel Roubini, was written by Thomas Schouten, the Head of Marketing at Lisk. Schouten holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and a Master of Science in Strategic Entrepreneurship from Erasmus University Rotterdam.  Nouriel Roubini, a long time skeptic of cryptocurrencies, unleashed another wave of negative rhetoricContinue Reading

On Oct. 10, Blockstream revealed that the company’s new product, Liquid, generated its first block on Sept. 27 and noted that a lot of the crypto-economy’s “biggest players” participated. Since Blockstream announced the launch of its federated sidechain, the technology has been praised by some and dismissed by others. AlsoContinue Reading

Last month, news.Bitcoin.com examined the problem of quantitative easing (QE) and its impact on the U.S., and how such policies have spread to the rest of the world. This month, we continue to drill down on the phenomenon of governments printing trillions of dollars worth of fiat currency simply by pressingContinue Reading

The following opinion piece on Moonshots and Mushrooms was written by Max Borders, director of Social Evolution and author of The Social Singularity.  When John F. Kennedy was president, he planted a stark and powerful, technocratic image in the minds of Americans…I believe this nation should commit itself to achievingContinue Reading

The European Union has come in for criticism over its repeated attempts to regulate the web. Critics assert that waves of EU legislation are suppressing free expression, impairing the user experience and, most heinously, “killing memes”. The solution, for those who take this view, would appear to be simple: don’tContinue Reading

The following opinion piece on token-as-securities was written by Benjamin Pirus, a crypto trader who has written many articles for different ICOs, crypto news outlets, and clients. 2017 was a special year in many ways. Not often in life are there opportunities to invest in an asset and see a profit increaseContinue Reading

Over the last few years, there’s been a lot of projects, both public and private, that are attempting to create a next-generation blockchain or something better than Satoshi’s Bitcoin. A great majority of these projects have condemned proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrencies because they think they waste resources, and many of theseContinue Reading

The path to a cryptocurrency revolution might just run through a sleepy Austin, Texas industrial park, home to offices of Cody Wilson and his company, Defense Distributed in the United States. Parallels exist between downloadable files from a website, allowing users access to 3D printable firearms, and a permissionless, decentralized,Continue Reading

Cryptocurrency is to money what the internet is to information. It is a powerful and potent technology, with the power to transform the world. It is an evolutionary tool in the sense that it is already propelling humanity forward. Crypto will help human beings abolish banks, governments, and other organizationsContinue Reading

Bitcoin and cryptocurrency mining has become a very competitive industry, and the amount of processing power hashing away to mine these digital assets is truly amazing. However over the years since the inception of GPU and ASIC mining, essentially when home mining turned into an industry, the cryptocurrency mining spaceContinue Reading