
Crypto’s Dotcom Era Begins as Handshake Launches Decentralized Domains

  Handshake, one of the more original crypto projects to have spawned during the ICO era, has completed its long-awaited launch. The decentralized domains registrar, founded by MIT engineers, has spent the last year in stealth mode but is now opening up to the general public. The Handshake protocol, coupledContinue Reading

Cryptocurrency Is Providing a Lucrative New Revenue Stream for Governments

  Cryptocurrency’s resistance to government control is countered by the fact that a number of governments, including Chile, Romania, Spain and South Africa, are looking to cash in by taxing crypto assets. These countries are crafting laws that bind citizens to annually disclose cryptocurrency investments that, in some cases, areContinue Reading

$15.4 Billion of New Cryptocurrency Value Was Created During 2018

  A report recently published by Diar has estimated that nearly $15.42 billion of value was added to the market capitalization of the combined cryptocurrency markets in the form of newly created tokens and crypto asset inflation during 2018. Also Read: Bitcoin Climbs up China’s First Crypto Ranking of 2019 12Continue Reading

Xapo Transfers Key Operations to Switzerland

Global crypto services provider Xapo is moving major operations from its base in Hong Kong to its office in Switzerland. The company is incorporated in the Asian financial hub but that may also change soon due to the friendlier business environment in the Alpine nation. Also read: Russian Institutions BackContinue Reading

Clickbait Media Uses Bitcoin and Russia to Pump Headlines Again

  In the past week or so, a number of publications, including cryptocurrency websites, but also “reputable” mainstream outlets, have given stage to a “Kremlin economist” with a bold prediction – Russia will invest billions in bitcoin to tackle U.S. sanctions, possibly triggering a new bull run as early asContinue Reading

Last year, crypto KYC and AML requirements came bursting onto the scene with thunderous applause and approbation. Many traders felt like the ICO sector was rife with scammers and con artists. In this sense, they believed there would be redemption through government. The scammers and hucksters would go to prisonContinue Reading

Bitcoin celebrates its tenth birthday on January 9, 2019. The first official purchase made with bitcoins was of two pizzas in Jacksonville, Florida — sold for 10,000 BTC. Today, that amount is worth about $33.7 million — and Bitcoin owners are purchasing a lot more than pizza. Crazy, right? BitcoinContinue Reading

  Earlier this week, armchair sleuths began pointing out that large amounts of cryptocurrency from long-dormant addresses have been on the move. For instance, one wallet that’s been inactive since its inception in 2013 recently moved 66,452 BTC — worth around $245 million — to an unknown address. Hours later,Continue Reading

  In a little over a month, one of the most eagerly anticipated cryptocurrency projects in recent times will launch. There will be no ICO or premine, and, like the transactions themselves, the project team are highly private. Grin, the first network to utilize Mimblewimble cryptography, has wide-ranging implications forContinue Reading