Cryptocurrency (Page 2)

  The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has published its 2019 fiscal year pre-solicitation document. Throughout the 27-page letter, the organization explains that it wants to dedicate resources toward creating blockchain forensic applications that can analyze privacy-centric digital asset movements. Prior efforts have addressed bitcoin analytics and now theContinue Reading

Academic institutions from all corners of the world are offering classes on cryptocurrencies and supporting research initiatives in this burgeoning sector. From New York to Tokyo, universities are spearheading a plethora of crypto-themed courses. Also Read: The Daily: US Defense Department Probes Blockchain, Singapore Approves 1X Two New Accelerators atContinue Reading

  Study263, a Zimbabwean-owned fintech startup operating from South Africa, has opened an online store allowing Zimbabweans to buy food hampers that are delivered directly to their homes. Shoppers have the option to pay for items like cooking oil and baked beans in BTC, Paypal or Ecocash, a local mobileContinue Reading

Muslim countries around the world are planning to push back against the U.S. dollar’s long global dominance by creating a common digital currency for use in Islamic states. The dollar has evolved into a “sanctioning tool,” charged Erol Yarar, chairman of the Muslim-focused business lobby group International Business Forum (IBF).Continue Reading

The world’s first digital currency trading platform that supports Bitcoin as a platform equity certificate Crypto Exchange & Trading IX will open“Pre-Mine”On September 20th, it features two modes: “Transaction Mine” and “Invite Mine”. “Transaction Mine” The fee generated by the transaction of user is 100% refunded by Platform IX. TheContinue Reading

Coinbase – Buy & Sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more with trust Founded in June of 2012, Coinbase is a digital currency wallet and platform where merchants and consumers can transact with new digital currencies like bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin. We’re based in San Francisco, California. Bitcoin is the world’s most widelyContinue Reading

On Monday, Oct. 22, a new Bitcoin Cash-powered social media application called Hivr launched in beta form. The platform, available for Android devices, features a wallet, native tipping, posting to a social news feed, instant messaging and more. Also Read: Samsung Begins 7nm Chip Production Hivr: A Bitcoin Cash Social MediaContinue Reading

If you are a young fortune-hunter toiling away on a computer in a basement, the prospect of death probably isn’t among your top considerations. Equally, if the main draw to crypto is its relative privacy, you may not be particularly eager to share your private keys with your loved ones,Continue Reading

On Oct. 10, Blockstream revealed that the company’s new product, Liquid, generated its first block on Sept. 27 and noted that a lot of the crypto-economy’s “biggest players” participated. Since Blockstream announced the launch of its federated sidechain, the technology has been praised by some and dismissed by others. AlsoContinue Reading

Over the past few months, Bitcoin Cash developers have been creating applications that are similar to social media and forum platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter. Anyone in the world can use these Bitcoin Cash-powered applications such as Memo, Blockpress, Keyport, and Matter which offer censorship-resistant versions of these socialContinue Reading

Last month, examined the problem of quantitative easing (QE) and its impact on the U.S., and how such policies have spread to the rest of the world. This month, we continue to drill down on the phenomenon of governments printing trillions of dollars worth of fiat currency simply by pressingContinue Reading

Ten years after the financial crisis of 2008, an artist known as Nelson Saiers has placed his latest artwork across the street from the New York Federal Reserve building in the financial district. The piece is a giant sized and menacing-looking inflatable rat covered in Bitcoin code. The former WallContinue Reading