Home Schooling

The Fear Factor … we just love (to) FEAR don’t we??   Fear in it’s original form is a primal emotion / instinct that has served us well in the period(s) of our development into our societies current level of abundance, intelligence, sophistication etc etc or what we now knowContinue Reading

The following idea comes from Livia Pewtress (http://learnlivefly.com), shared with permission. (Read the FULL story here). She writes: [There] are a few … things we do to help keep the light and connection in our home, and not have our family time hijacked by technology: Devices charge in the kitchenContinue Reading

I was invited to speak at an LDS Homeschooler’s Conference hosted by Celestia Shumway (treeoflifemothering.com), attended by mothers who wanted to stay at home to raise their children but who sometimes struggled to make ends meet financially. In this program, I share more candidly my own struggle to be aContinue Reading

An actual message to one of my teenagers who was complaining too much about his responsibilities: You’re doing so well in so many areas. But it saddens me that you blame dad when you don’t feel like doing your duties. You’re old enough to govern yourself, so govern yourself or be governed. If you were … Continue reading Talking to teensContinue Reading