If only there were more hours in a day. For most marketers, this is something we find ourselves asking all too often.

Despite our earnest desire to check off more on our to-do lists, much of our daily schedule is littered with interruptions. In fact, the average office worker becomes distracted every three minutes

Whether it’s social media, email, or that conversation two desks down, even the most diligent work can struggle to maintain focus. But instead of striving to shut out the distractions, too many resort to multitasking — a temptation that can reduce productivity by up to 40%.

So how do you find the balance between maximizing your time and working at full intensity? To help you navigate the challenges of time management, we’ve created How to Be More Productive: Tools to Increase Employee Performance.

In our new guide, we’ll dive into the cause and effect of workplace procrastination and provide practical steps to accomplish more in your day. Additionally, you will learn:

  • Best practices for taking breaks while you work
  • How to get the most out of working from home
  • What to eat to get more done in a day
  • How to turn productivity goals into long-term habits
  • Personal tips to stay focused from HubSpot employees

Ready to leave behind your workplace distractions and increase your motivation? Download How to Be More Productive: Tools to Increase Employee Performance today.

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