
Email has become the primary way most of us communicate in the business world — so much so that it often replaces face-to-face interactions. Just think about how many people you’ve emailed, but never actually met.

This is especially common for marketers today. For example, as a blogger who manages contributors, sets up interviews, and coordinates across teams, I send a lot of emails to people who’ve never met me. To them, my emails are their first (and second, and third) impressions of me. How I address them, the way I word a request, and even my email address affects that impression.

The same is true for marketing emails. Whether recipients are long-time customers or brand new blog subscribers, each and every email you send makes an impression and shapes the way they’ll think of you and interact with you in the future.

So, given the chance to learn how to write better emails, wouldn’t you take it? Check out the infographic below from WhoIsHostingThis.com for ways to craft compelling emails so you can build better relationships with your customers and prospects.


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