Video Content

Research shows that people remember branded content twice as long as they remember a traditional advertisement. But creating your own branded videos, blogs, or podcasts can require a lot of bandwidth. If you’ve always wanted to experiment with this strategy, but haven’t had the time or resources to produce yourContinue Reading

“Content is the king”. You have probably heard and read this phrase over 100 times on various blogs and articles. But, is every king worthy of the throne? No, a king is great only when his subjects adore him and follow him. Similarly, content is great only when the readersContinue Reading

  YouTube has over one billion users worldwide, and they all watch different types of videos every day. What’s your favorite type of video to watch on the platform? As it turns out, your video preferences may vary depending on your date of birth: Influenster surveyed nearly 8,500 YouTube users ofContinue Reading