TOFU (Page 5)

Pens, t-shirts, water bottles, baseball caps, lanyards … so many lanyards.

Welcome to the wonderful world of swag, where — in a tremendous display of humanity’s technological prowess — we prove that we can stamp a logo or catchphrase on just about anything.

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13 Valuable Skills You Can Teach Yourself for Free

Ever wanted to become a master at Excel? Or learn how to negotiate effectively? What about coding, or become a better writer, or learning how to edit photos?
Thanks to the internet, where there’s a will, there’s a way. There’s a whole lot you can teach yourself these days — especially if you have access to an internet connection.Continue Reading

For many of us, achieving peak productivity can seem like a Sisyphean struggle. Every once in a while, we’ll think we’ve got our inboxes or to-do lists up-to-date, triaged, and under control. And then something else comes along that throws a giant wrench in all our grand plans — a tempting off-campus lunch, a last-minute request from your boss’s boss, or a cat GIF storm you can’t help but participate in.

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“Choose co-founders the way you would choose a spouse,” advises entrepreneur and author Danielle Newnham. “The reality is that you will, at least in the early days, spend far more time with your co-founders than your partner.”

The co-founder relationship is perhaps the most personal of all business relationships. Co-founders are like the parents of a newborn business, and as such, they spend countless hours working (and arguing) together in order to see that business become successful.

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Each of us spends a significant portion of our days at work, and consequently, around our coworkers. And because team members spend so much time together, they’ve often privy to relatively small details and actions — both positive and negative — that others more removed from the environment might miss. 

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“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”

It’s a good principle to live your life by. Although being the smartest person in the room is a nice ego boost, you need to surround yourself with people who have skills and specialties you don’t if you want to grow — in short, people who are smarter than you.

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We’ve all been a part of that group project. You know, the project where one person takes the lead, leading some members to conclude their ideas are unwelcome, while a select few ride the others’ coattails.

Thanks to experiences like this, it’s no surprise why so many people have been scarred by the nightmares of past group projects.

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In a truly beautiful letter to his daughter Yolande, Sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois extolled the virtues of being uncomfortable.

Yolande was headed to a new school half way around the world from the neighborhood and people she knew. It was years before women had the right to vote, and decades before the Civil Rights Movement.

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When I need to have a very productive day, I tell myself it’s going to be easy.

I’ll just wake up early, grab a big cup of coffee, and then begin powering through my to-do list. Maybe I’ll break for a meal, or a stretch, or a quick conversation with a coworker. But I’ll truck on, energy unwavering until bedtime, where I’ll promptly fall asleep for eight, wonderful, uninterrupted hours of sleep. 

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W. Clement Stone once said: “You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Are the things around you helping you toward success — or are they holding you back?”

That’s what facilities managers and office managers around the world are asking themselves about the office spaces they’re responsible for organizing.

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You know those people who obnoxiously set their alarm clock in five-minute intervals nearly an hour before they actually have to wake up?

Well, I’m one of them. And even after mentally preparing myself for an hour, I still shuffle my way to the coffee pot looking like a character out of a zombie movie. 

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We’ve all been there. You’re working from home, when all of a sudden the WiFi cuts out. You’re about to step into the subway or take off in a plane, when you realize you forgot your book and don’t have anything to do on your trip. You’re at the office, totally on a roll working on a project and out of nowhere … EVERYTHING STOPS LOADING. 

Cue minor panic attack.

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Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine’s Day is coming … and you didn’t think this one through.

With everyone’s favorite “Hallmark holiday” right around the corner, we had a hunch that some of you might have forgotten to pick up something special for that special someone.

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A couple months ago, the HubSpot team made the switch to Slack (one of the hottest real-time messaging apps on the market). 

Initially, it was hard to get used to uttering phrases like “Just Slack me” or “We were Slacking” in passing. But once we got more comfortable with the platform, we started to realize just how powerful it really is.

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