Trading (Page 2)

The president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, has announced the end of the pre-sale for the Petro, the country’s “cryptocurrency”. He claims it has raised the equivalent of over 3 billion dollars. Maduro has also certified 16 crypto exchanges he hopes will start listing his country’s new currency. Also read: Yahoo! JapanContinue Reading

Japan’s Financial Services Agency, tasked with monitoring the country’s cryptocurrency exchanges, has quietly been pressuring platforms to delist privacy coins. Coincheck has already done so in the wake of the $400 million NEM hack. If fellow exchanges follow suit, it could signal the beginning of the end for privacy coinsContinue Reading

Russian ICOs attracted a total of $300 million last year but half of the funds went to financial pyramids, according to the Russian Association of Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain. The organization that represents the crypto community in the country is now working on an ICO standard to help investors distinguish realContinue Reading

The proposed and upcoming changes to the operation of the ethereum cryptocurrency have been a matter of debate recently, with questions like employing ASIC resistance mining, capping and others splitting the community. Now an outside party is also taking issue with the concept of ethereum shifting away from PoW. AlsoContinue Reading

Over the years there have been many tutorials about the very basics of trading, market indicators, and the multitude of websites that collect vast amounts of data. Some of these resources give traders a step towards making their first trades. Now after a few losses and some lucky gainsContinue Reading

There are over 100 companies reportedly waiting for the Japanese Financial Services Agency to approve their registrations to operate cryptocurrency exchanges. While only 16 exchanges are fully licensed in Japan, the agency has allowed another 16 to operate without a license for the time being. However, going forward, only thoseContinue Reading

The South Korean government is considering introducing an approval system for cryptocurrency exchanges based on the Bitlicense model, developed by the New York State Department of Financial Services. Also read: Japan Cracks Down on Foreign ICO Agency Operating Without License Bitlicense Comes to Korea The South Korean regulators are considering introducingContinue Reading

The CEO and founder of Pantera Capital, Dan Morehead, recently told media that bitcoin is “under-owned” by institutional investors despite high demand for cryptocurrency exposure. Mr. Morehead also predicted bitcoin to produce bullish price movements in coming weeks. Also Read: Markets Update: Cryptocurrencies Start Forming a Well Defined Uptrend Pantera BullishContinue Reading

Up until now, bitcoin has largely been behaving as an uncorrelated asset. This got a lot of people excited, categorizing bitcoin as a future digital gold or a safe haven asset. The worst thing about this recent dip in price ($5,873, GDAX) was not the decrease in the price itself.Continue Reading

This Friday the Japanese exchange Coincheck has announced the resumption of yen (JPY) withdrawals will begin next week. The news follows the trading platform halting operations on the 26th of January. That day Coincheck was hacked and lost a total of 523,000,000 XEM, but the exchange promised to pay backContinue Reading

Russia’s largest bank, the state-controlled Sberbank, has reiterated that it is not mining cryptocurrencies. However, the bank says that it has often caught its employees crypto mining using the bank’s equipment. Also read: Japan’s DMM Bitcoin Exchange Opens for Business With 7 Cryptocurrencies Sberbank Claims It’s Not Mining Crypto The state-controlledContinue Reading

Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission began in earnest at the United States Senate Dirksen office building Tuesday, 6 February. The Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs summoned respective Chairs of the US Securities and ExchangeContinue Reading