Cryptocurrency (Page 3)

On Sept. 13, a new application called the Money Button launched, giving content creators the ability to embed bitcoin cash (BCH) payment buttons into websites. Not long after the release, a developer named Ekliptor published Cashtippr, a plugin that integrates the Money Button into WordPress-themed websites, so content creators canContinue Reading

Crypto trading app Robinhood is now available in more U.S. states. In October, the platform has launched services in Rhode Island, Tennessee and Arkansas. The move brings the total to 24 states whose residents can now make zero-commission trades in several leading cryptocurrencies. Also read: Increasing Number of Crypto ATMsContinue Reading

The Satoshi Revolution: A Revolution of Rising Expectations Section 5: Saving the World Through Anarchism Chapter 11, Part 1 Crypto Takes Anarchism Digital and Explodes Old Concepts All around us are the almost unimaginable benefits of markets, cooperation, and technology, yet somehow we’re naïve if we don’t want to funnelContinue Reading

The number of cryptocurrency ATMs in Belgium and the Netherlands is growing, according to newly released data. Amsterdam is leading among major cities in the Benelux region, with 12 machines supporting digital coin transactions. Luxembourg, which is a global center of traditional finances, is lagging behind in terms of availableContinue Reading

This past Sunday BCH proponent and developer, Jonathan Silverblood, revealed a project he’s been working on called Cash-ID. The Cash-ID concept is an open protocol for online identification purposes that provides users with the ability to sign in to web pages using their bitcoin cash keys for login credentials. AlsoContinue Reading

This article is a step-by-step how-to guide for creating bitcoin paper wallets. It walks through choosing a paper wallet generator, securing the computer environment to use it on, configuring and printing the wallets, cleaning up before and afterward to thwart hackers, and physically securing the wallets. Also read: 160 Crypto ExchangesContinue Reading

Cryptocurrency mining has in many respects become an industrialized business. But despite the concentration of hashing power, the increasing difficulty and diminishing returns, in some cases it can still be profitable to mint coins as an amateur miner, probably the most honest way to earn some digital cash. Here’s aContinue Reading

The Satoshi Revolution: A Revolution of Rising Expectations Section 4: State Versus Society Chapter 10, Part 6 Crypto’s Means are Its End, as Crypto-Statists Well Know The problem of the Means is, as I see it, a twofold problem: first, the problem of End and Means; second, the problem ofContinue Reading

Alejandro Beltrán of Colombia’s largest cryptocurrency exchange,, effectively shuttered by banks in the country refusing to do business with it, has written an open letter to the nation’s new president in the hope of winning a reversal. Iván Duque Márquez was elected last month, and has been quoted asContinue Reading

European banks have allegedly been complicit as corrupt African leaders pilfer the wealth of their economies in the billions of dollars. The Angolan government on Monday arrested the son of ex-president Jose dos Santos for stealing $500 million from the country’s sovereign wealth fund, with the help of a BritishContinue Reading

Respected economist Professor Steve Hanke has chanted down central banks. While Hanke doesn’t tout cryptocurrency as an alternative, he does say that the world needs fewer central banks because these government-controlled entities are messing up economies and abusing monetary policy, while fueling inflation and loss of wealth. Also read: Ex-Liberia CentralContinue Reading

Over the last 24 hours, the cryptocurrency community has been discussing a critical vulnerability that was found in the Bitcoin Core (BTC) reference client. A bug introduced in Bitcoin Core version 0.14, that also affects all subsequent versions, could have caused a great majority of current Core nodes to crash.Continue Reading

On Wednesday, September 19, a team of developers launched a platform called the Open Savings Initiative. The application allows any Bitcoin Cash (BCH) and Bitcoin Core (BTC) user to save funds in a time-locked address that cannot be spent until a specific date and time has passed. Also read: Critical BugContinue Reading

The bitcoin security specialists Wizsec has recently explained to the public that the wallet that held more than 111,000 BTC did not derive from the Silk Road marketplace, and it’s also not one of the Mt Gox wallets. Further Wizsec detailed today that a recent article had quoted the organizationContinue Reading