Why You Should Invest In Inbound Marketing Before CRM Implementation
Since the beginning of time, humanity has sought to answer unanswerable questions, like which came first, the chicken or the egg? Recently, I’ve come across a question with increasing frequency, that may not be as significant, but is probably even more important if you’re looking to embark upon a journey of accelerated sales growth.
What should you focus on first, building an effective inbound marketing/lead generation process or implementing a CRM to manage your sales and customer acquisition process? While both are important, the question is should you focus on one before the other?
How We Buy vs. How We Date: They’re More Similar Than You Think
They say there’s such a thing as love at first sight … but even if that’s true, how successful do you think you’d be if you approached a total stranger and said, “Hey, I saw you. I am now in love with you. Wanna tie the knot?”
Maybe I’m a skeptic, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t work out so well.
Are QR Codes Dead?
Just a few years ago, QR codes seemed to be “the next big thing.” Shop windows, food labels, band fliers, magazine advertisements — those distinct little black-and-white squares were everywhere, vying for our attention.