Technical SEO (Page 2)

Watch any commercial break in full, it seems, and you’re almost guaranteed to see an ad for some sort of voice assistant device. In the past two months alone, Amazon, Facebook, and Google have all announced the release of either new or new versions of their own video smart speakers: voice-assistant-enabled devicesContinue Reading

In a society hooked on instant gratification, people don’t like waiting for things. That’s why over 25% of visitors will leave a website that doesn’t load in six seconds. That’s the length of a Vine (RIP). Fortunately, in 2016, Google launched their solution to sluggish mobile web pages.They called itContinue Reading

Ask any professional athlete or business executive how they became successful, and they’ll tell you they mastered a process. By figuring out which of their habits led to success, which didn’t, and learning from past successes and failures, they could improve their efficiency, effectiveness, and productivity at work. But implementingContinue Reading