The First 100 Days: How to Succeed in Your New Marketing Job

The first 100 days at a new company or in a new role are critical for your future success. To demonstrate your effectiveness and make your boss happy that they hired you, you should aim to achieve wins early and often. These wins could be as simple as showing your team that you are a curious, lifelong learner or as complicated as leading a team to hit aggressive goals.

To help you figure out make a splash at your new job, you should check out our new ebook: The First 100 Days: How to Succeed in Your New Marketing Job. This guide includes a step-by-step 100-day plan, templates to help you hit your goals, and career tips from professional marketers. The quotes below are just a few sound bites from inside the ebook: 

Ask your manager, reports, and colleagues exactly what they expect of you, and how you’re delivering on those expectations.

– Brian Lavery, Head of EMEA SMB Marketing at Twitter

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Question everything. You’re new, so you get a free card to do this. You could be amazed at what seems an obvious quick win to you, but hasn’t been noticed by those who’ve been working in the company for a lot longer; and challenging or at least understanding pre-existing assumptions will give a greater feel for where you can have the biggest impact in the short-term.

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– Mark Walker, Content Marketing & Social Media Manager at Eventbrite UK

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Be respectful of people’s time — if you ask for coffee to get to know someone, put it on their calendar, send them an invite, show up on time, and arrive prepared with specific questions for them based on their role and experience.

– Katie Burke, Director of Talent and Culture at HubSpot 

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Get a mentor who’s not your boss. You might get advice on how to better work with your boss from another leader who you don’t report to.

– Rebecca Corliss, Inbound Marketing Manager at HubSpot 

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Want more tips? Download The First 100 Days: How to Succeed in Your New Marketing Job right here.

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The First 100 Days: How to Succeed in Your New Marketing Job

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