
“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

We’ve all heard this saying before, and to marketers, it’s becoming increasingly true. Images can help businesses suceed — tweets with images result in 18% more clicks, and 17% of marketers are planning to increase their use of visual assets in 2015.

For companies with the bandwidth to have a dedicated creative designer, this is no intimidating feat. However, for the marketers out there running social, blogging, email, lead generation, and a billion other things, creating images sounds like one more hat you just can’t fit on your head right now. 

Do not fear! Designing and creating stellar images for promotional assets doesn’t have to be another hat. It doesn’t even have to be a visor or a bandana. It can actually be a quick and enjoyable “to-do” item.

Don’t believe me? Spend an hour with Peg Fitzpatrick in our webinar on DIY Design Hacks this Thursday at 1 p.m. EST, and learn how to quickly crank out beautifully designed images. 

Peg will share the quick-and-dirty DIY hacks she uses to market her brand to over 1 million social followers — no Photoshop classes required. In this webinar, you’ll learn:

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  • How to create 5+ images in under 30 minutes
  • How to create templates for future designs
  • How to avoid looking too “stocky” in your designs
  • … And much, much more! 

Want to attend this webinar? Sign up here.

free live webinar: diy design hacks

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