Content Marketing (Page 3)

Seth Godin famously said “content marketing is the only marketing left”. This was years ago but his words, along with the even more famous “content is king”, still stand. Content marketing doesn’t work because a few (famous) people agree it does. It works because: 77% of internet users read blogs.  47% of internet users use […]

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Creating fresh and original content to keep your audience requesting more can be incredibly difficult. So what do you do to produce original pieces of content that can reflect your brand’s vision as well as cement your spot in the industry? Well, the answer is simple; you can fill inContinue Reading

Year after year, hundreds of marketers report increased efforts and spending on their content marketing — or the intention to do so. But great content is a waste if your audience doesn’t know it exists. Content distribution is an integral, if not the most important, part of your content strategy.Continue Reading

What does strong content look like? That’s the million-dollar question. If you can create strong content for your readers, you will get back as much as you put in. Strong content brings in ROI you can’t argue with: More people reading your content from start to finish. More people actuallyContinue Reading

Research shows that people remember branded content twice as long as they remember a traditional advertisement. But creating your own branded videos, blogs, or podcasts can require a lot of bandwidth. If you’ve always wanted to experiment with this strategy, but haven’t had the time or resources to produce yourContinue Reading

Content marketing strategies and SEO are closely interrelated. From boosting search rankings in the SERPs and aiding in navigation to conversions and sales for your business, your brand is nowhere without an authentic content marketing strategy.  Since there are tons of content marketing strategies, you have to decide which oneContinue Reading

For entrepreneurs, content marketing is a vital component of a venture. Without it, the creator will be flailing around in the dark, not reaching the necessary market. Using effective content marketing strategies allows the entrepreneur to reach the right audience. In addition, the right strategy will spread the right information. Continue Reading