TOFU (Page 6)

Everyone and their mother seems to have a strong opinion about work-life balance.

Some argue that balancing career and lifestyle is necessary for your overall happiness. Others argue that the concept of “balancing” your work and your life, which implies that the two are on par with one another, is plain old wrong. Still others argue the whole thing is completely imaginary and unrealistic, and that we’re making ourselves unhappy by pursuing it in the first place.

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This year, you’ll likely spend more time with your coworkers than you will with your significant other, parents, best friend, siblings, cat, and … well, you get the point.

Think about it: If you work 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, that’s over 2,000 hours a year spent with the same people — give or take a vacation or two, of course. That’s a ton of time, and can often lead to a ton of silent (or not so silent) frustrations.

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My second job out of college was with an incredible startup political agency called the Glover Park Group. It’s now a much larger and more successful agency, but at the time it was just a tiny company with a huge vision.

I got the job because a woman my mother used to babysit for growing up was friends with one of the partners of the firm in New York.

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“Work smarter, not harder.”

Chances are, you’ve heard this phrase before — and probably more than once. The philosophy behind working “smart” is to maximize your productivity when you are working so that you can get more stuff done in shorter periods of time. By working smarter, you’ll find yourself with more time in the day to sleep, exercise, be creative, and recharge.

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It’s an exciting time to be a content marketer. But it’s also a challenging time.

As more companies continue to jump on the inbound marketing bandwagon, the influx of content seems to be turning into a bit of a traffic jam. And few things have the power to cut through this noise like data storytelling.

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For a while now, it’s been clear that Instagram isn’t just a social network for selfies and brunch pics. In fact, Instagram sees a whopping 500 million users — a 25% increase in audience size over less than a year.

In a world where visual content remains a crucial part of any business’ marketing strategy, Instagram presents a unique opportunity to visually represent your brand, celebrate its personality, and keep it top-of-mind for all those users who scroll through their Instagram feeds every single day.

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Ever misjudge a hug for a handshake and wind up trapped in some sort of unforgivable in-between? I have.

Ever stumble your way through a few floors of elevator small talk, only to regret 99% of what you said upon returning to your desk? Yup. Guilty of that, too. 

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In the past few years, Instagram has quickly become the go-to social network. And if you think it’s just middle and high schoolers are the ones using the app, think again: Pew Research Center reported in 2015 that 26% of adult internet users use Instagram. Compare that with the 23% of adult internet users who use Twitter.

Not only do adults use instagram, 53% of adults ages 18–29 years old say they use it every single day.

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Serving as snackable — and often laughable — bits of visual content, GIFs help us accurately convey our thoughts and feelings when we’re limited to virtual communication.

The trouble is, finding the perfect GIF by hunting through Google Image Search or that desktop folder of your favorites can take way more time than it’s worth.

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Last week, a friend of mine asked me how my day was.

“Busy, but productive,” I replied.

But what did that even mean? I suppose what I’d really meant was that all I did was work: I got to work early, worked through lunch, broke for dinner, and then proceeded to sign back online to wrap a few things up after that. And now that I think about it, I barely even moved. 

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There’s no doubt that technology has simplified the way we carry out our day-to-day routines. Computers help us do things faster, emails and text messages let us always be in touch, and the internet makes it easy to find the answer to any question with just a quick Google search.

While being constantly plugged in can make us feel safe, connected, and in-the-know — both at work and at home — it also means we never really clock out.

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George S. Patton once said: “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

In business, stirring the proverbial pot can be a good thing. And while negotiating these matters can be challenging — especially when they involve our teammates or bosses — differences in opinion will often lead to progress. 

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Think people aren’t watching how you handle yourself at the dinner table?

Think again.

Whether you’re dining with a recruiter, prospective business partner, or your boss of several years, you should always follow the rules of dinner etiquette.

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