Career Development

Is your professional bio as good as it can be? In this article, we have eight real bio examples you should definitely compare yours to — and a series of free bio templates you can use to perfect it. Most people don’t think about their professional bio until they’re suddenlyContinue Reading

When Karla Cook, the current Editor of HubSpot’s Marketing Blog, first joined the team as a staff writer in July 2016, she realized she had more in common with most of her new teammates than she originally thought. As a rhetoric major at Bates College, a liberal arts school inContinue Reading

Every once in a while, I’ll meet people who at once give me hope for the future and make me wonder what the heck I’ve done with my life. (I mean that, of course, in the most positive way possible.) Yesterday, I had a the privilege of meeting two suchContinue Reading

The Fear Factor … we just love (to) FEAR don’t we??   Fear in it’s original form is a primal emotion / instinct that has served us well in the period(s) of our development into our societies current level of abundance, intelligence, sophistication etc etc or what we now knowContinue Reading

I’ve worked at a number of different companies including private businesses, bootstrapped startups, venture round start-ups, and pre-IPO startups. And I’ve worked at these companies in a variety of capacities: recruiting, sales, and account management. Along the way, I’ve noticed the same few situational factors influence employee performance at work.Continue Reading