Content Marketing (Page 16)

I tried to explain public relations to my grandmother once …

This was many years ago, back when PR pros cut press coverage from publications we could actually hold in our hands, and few marketers talked about SEO in everyday conversation.

“So, it’s advertising,” she’d say, and I’d try again to explain that, no, it’s not.

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In marketing, as in life, situations will inevitably arise that require a certain amount of scrappiness. And a spur-of-the-moment, quick-turnaround-required content push — while not ideal — is a situation you ultimately might end up facing.

Maybe it’s the end of the month, and your boss is freaking out. “We need more leads!” is the battle cry. ”And we need you, [your name], to create and promote some new content pronto so we can generate those leads!”

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

I’ve always considered myself to be a fairly creative person. According to my mom, I practically burned through coloring books when I was little, which is why it made sense that I majored in art, then media, and wound up in marketing. 

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Nine months ago, I analyzed a report that would transform not only my role on the HubSpot blogging team, but also the whole blog’s editorial strategy. The results have been nothing short of eye-opening. And I’m not just talking about the findings from the report — I’m also talking about the business results we’ve generated from the shift we made in our blogging strategy because of those findings.

That shift is an ongoing internal project we call “historical optimization.” The goal? Update old blog content and generate more traffic and leads from it in the process.

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Calling out other people’s grammar mistakes has become a favorite internet pastime.

From news articles and blog posts to emails and tweets, if there’s an error in there, someone’s going to remark on it. Especially if it’s made by a brand. (Hey, we’re guilty of it, too.)

And who could blame them? I also feel a certain sense of pride when I find a typo in a popular book.

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post.

Instagram has been slow to open up the network to advertising. It was only in March that the company allowed select brands to include links to additional content in its ads. 

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As an education marketer, have you struggled to create content to generate new leads and nurture those leads into your admissions funnel? If so, you’re not alone! Content creation is a common challenge for marketers and admissions representatives at schools, both at K-12 and higher education levels. You’re usually part of a small team and getting pulled in different directions. We get it! Here are four tips to help you make the most of existing content and use it to create new offers. 

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One of my favorite memories at HubSpot was watching our email marketer’s eyes go wide the first time she used our new email dashboard. Her reaction was was unrelenting, overflowing, and wholly genuine. Her expression mirrored the type of excitement typically reserved for iPhone launches and new seasons of Netflix series — but it was caused by software she used every day at work.

Those who think B2C companies have locked down all the truly interesting marketing angles have forgotten how passionate people can be about their jobs.

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The more technology advances, the more it’s integrated into our daily lives. Even as you read this article, I’d venture a guess that you have several internet-connected devices within arm’s reach.

As we continue down these innovative pathways, we’ll continue to see technology become more important to our day-to-day living. The lines between what we do online and in real life will begin to blur.

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Content as a marketing strategy is reliable and cost-effective, but only if it generates high-quality leads. To succeed, you must not only create and promote content, but also analyze and optimize the content.

If your content marketing results are falling flat, here are 7 reasons why it might be happening and what you can do about it.

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Ever start writing a piece and wonder if anyone’s even gonna read it?

Not to make you paranoid, but … you should be paranoid.

Chartbeat conducted a study in 2013 that indicates most readers are only getting about 60% of the way through a piece of content. The other 40% of the stuff you wrote? Well, you could’ve gone home early that day. (You can read more about that study here.)

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