Event marketing

Nothing summons the old imposter syndrome monster quite like the moments before a big project launch. All at once, you begin to question every decision you’ve made along the way — from the name of the project down to the comma placements. For me, these nervous feelings are still fresh.Continue Reading

When we say “virtual conference,” we don’t just mean webinars. We mean interactive, live panels and microsites dedicated to the single purpose of promoting one event with various sessions a person can “attend.” Virtual conferences have become a more popular medium to develop and reach large audiences. From marketing toContinue Reading

Work events are really hit or miss. Let’s be honest: How many times have you found yourself anxiously fidgeting with a paper napkin in the corner of a stuffy networking happy hour?

That’s why I was not only relieved, but also surprised and delighted, when I attended a holiday party that featured a live, interactive version of an arcade game.

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It’s every event marketer’s dream: Pulling up your phone during your event and quickly peeking at Twitter, only to discover that your event’s hashtag is trending. After all of your hard work putting the event together, seeing people engaging in conversation online (lots of conversation online) is a huge validation. 

But that seems like an incredible feat to accomplish when you’ve got so many other moving pieces in the event planning process. So how do you prepare for your event so you have a better chance of trending on Twitter?

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English music producer Simon Cowell once told Rolling Stone Magazine, “You have this amazing thing now called fan power. The whole world is linked through a laptop. It’s absolutely brilliant.”

He was talking about music artists here, but this can apply to any type of event host or marketer. Social media allows us to promote our events more strategically, listen to and engage with our fans, enhance attendee experience, help measure the event’s overall success, and find areas for improvement in the next time you put it on.

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 Remember your very first conference?

You carefully deliberated over every single session in the weeks leading up to it, bought a special outfit, and got a thrill when you finally arrived and saw your name covered in plastic.

“My very own name tag? I’ll save this forever!”

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Preparing to run an event can sometimes feel like you’re sprinting a marathon. Months before you even announce your event to the public, you and your team have already started concepting the event, booking the venues, procuring speakers and activities, creating the materials … and so on and so forth. There’s no denying that organizing the logistics of an event is a ton of work.

But checking all the logistical boxes ahead of your event is only part of the battle.

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

So you’re going to a conference.

What’s in store for you? You’ll attend dozens of sessions led by professionals in your industry, meet a ton of new people, and take home lots of great swag.

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Figuring out whether you and your team should attend a conference can be tricky. Getting out of the office sounds like a no-brainer, but when you start thinking about taking time “off,” traveling, paying for the conference itself, and what you’ll actually do once you get there, the answer starts to feel a little less clear.

So how can you figure out whether a conference is “worth it” to attend?

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World-class athletes aren’t the only ones vying for selection in the Olympic Games. Cities around the world start the bid process a full nine years before the Games, and it takes another two for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to select the winner.

The actual work that goes into putting a bid together often begins well before then, and it’s a heck of a project.

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To all the conference-goers out there, we’d like to pose a question. What’s your mission?

With so many benefits of attending and goals to focus on during a conference, choosing just one can be a tall order. And with INBOUND 2016 around the corner, you might be asking yourself: Should you network, and make connections with smart people? Or should you stick to learning, and diligently take notes during the breakout sessions?

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event-conference-people-walking-fastLive-tweeting is kind of like note-taking, only it’s online, collective, and interactive. When you hear a great quote from a speaker, or “tweetable takeaway” (as in, a key takeaway that can be abbreviated to less than 140 characters), all you have to do is type it up in a tweet and ship it out to the world. Your followers will see the tweet, and so will

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