Peace of Mind (Page 2)

Interesting story to preface…
Someone emailed me the other day to tell me that she thinks I’m a lovely person and all, but that my writings have too much of a ‘religious’ tone to them. She was polite and appreciative, but clearly wishing she could learn the principles from a more secular point of view.
I can appreciate that. I respect her point of view and certainly never intend to offend anyone by focusing on how to partner with God to accomplish goals. After all, one of my foundational tenets comes from the Articles of Faith, specifically #11:
[I] claim… Read moreContinue Reading

I’ve been pondering the following topic now for over a year, knowing that one day I would try to capture it in writing. But it’s a deep topic and I didn’t expect it to be an easy one, so it’s been pushed off many, many times.
It has not taken much to distract me from doing it.

Today (June 28, 2015) I decided to get started, to at least begin gathering into one location the many epiphanies and personal notes I’ve been jotting down in the recent months.
I don’t really know where to begin, except to back up… Read moreContinue Reading

“John, aren’t you going to put on your seatbelt?” “Why, are we going to get into a crash?” “No, but seatbelts save lives…” John retorted, “Seatbelts don’t save lives.” “Of course they do!” His friend explained, “Once, I was driving with my family and…Continue Reading

We live in a time when life comes at us faster than it ever has in the history of the world. We get stressed, overloaded, and overwhelmed. Under these pressures, it is hard to remain calm… the state of mind necessary to live in harmony with the laws of success. Often we get discouraged and lose faith, simply because we spend so much time beating ourselves up for our flaws. To qualify for the blessings you’re praying for requires a calm and confident state of mind. But when we’re disappointed in ourselves, it is tough to have faith. The problem is, so long as we’re not perfect, there’s always something to be disappointed about.Continue Reading

Positive Thinking Tip: Clear out the cobwebs of your life. it will be worth it. You’ll travel the rest of your journey much lighter, and you’ll definitely go much farther.
We feel happiest when we are on the grow, and striving for something more. Whether we are striving for better physical health, financial health, emotional health, or healthier relationships – it just feels good to improve.
And although we should certainly practice gratitude for all we already have, if we’re not also reaching for SOMEthing else, we stop growing and start decaying. There is no standing still.
But sometimes we… Read moreContinue Reading

For years I’ve been hearing about Dave Ramsey and I’m embarrassed to say that (without listening to him myself) I had him pegged as the guy who helps broke people manage their limited supply, while I elevated myself as the teacher who helps people expand their supply.
At first pass, this may appear to be the case. But I want to set the record straight.
Listening to Dave Ramsey’s podcast and radio show has become one of the most inspiring, motivating things I do now for a number of reasons:
1) Dave’s advice is solid. Scripturally sound too, if that… Read moreContinue Reading

I received a fun message recently – just a reminder at how simple it can be to apply the principles, for truly immediate results.
Check this out:
Hi Leslie! I was thinking of you today. I had lost your book in my daughters room and she finally found it several days ago. I’ve been rereading all of the underlined portions and did something that worked!
I got my car washed yesterday and they put a scratch in my clear coating. My husband said to go back and ask what they would do to make it right.
When I read all… Read moreContinue Reading

Last month I was asked to speak at my local church congregation’s sacrament meeting. I hadn’t planned on sharing my ‘talk’ publicly because my blog readership is made up of people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds and belief systems, and I have always striven to focus on principles and precepts that people of faith around the world all share in common. But I’ve recently felt like there may be some who would benefit from this message. First, I introduced myself… then I continued with this: I’d like to talk about two things in particular that we’ve been asked in the Bible to do – to have faith … Continue reading Continue Reading