
When you work at a small business with a limited budget, it’s not really possible to shell out $340,000 for a 30-second TV commercial, or $10,000 for an email marketing campaign. It can be frustrating when your budget dictates how many people your business can reach. Surprisingly, there are aContinue Reading

Now more than ever, people may strive to invest in a brand’s story. With that, storytelling can be an essential advertising strategy to help promote your product or services. Applying the principles of storytelling to your business, such as speaking with emotion and weaving a tale with words may leaveContinue Reading

How advocating social consciousness freaks people out!! Two weeks ago, people were tweeting pictures of razors submerged at the bottom of their toilet bowls. No, this wasn’t a wacky teen challenge to make your dad late for work. It was a protest against Gillette’s latest advertisement — one that confrontsContinue Reading