Management (Page 3)

Congratulations! You’ve recently been promoted to a new position as a manager.

You now have a team, perhaps the opportunity to hire, and the chance to guide and grow your new direct reports. Are you ready for this?

You may be feeling excited, afraid, nervous, or empowered.

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Motivated employees aren’t just a joy to be around at work. They also perform better, are more productive, and contribute to higher morale. Disengaged employees, on the other hand, are costly — both in terms of pay and team morale.

But every leader knows that motivating their team is hard. In fact, 30% of executives say that motivating their employees is actually their toughest job.

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When I first started editing articles for HubSpot’s Marketing Blog, I didn’t quite realize how much time each one would take.

Depending on length, topic, author, and other variables, it can take anywhere from twenty minutes to an entire afternoon to edit a single blog post.

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Often times, the greatest challenge marketers face when creating content isn’t the actual writing, publishing, or promoting. Instead, it’s the other related tasks — brainstorming, scheduling, and coordinating moving parts — that wind up causing us stress.

This is where tools like Trello come in.

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In small doses, stress can actually be an important part of our lives. It can motivate us and make us more productive. And, once it’s over, we might come out of that stressful situation all the better for it.

Too much stress, though, can be detrimental to your health, happiness, productivity, and relationships.

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Agency Post. To read more content like this, subscribe to Agency Post. 

More and more companies and agencies are establishing remote working options for employees as flexibility in work schedule and location has become an important benefit for top talent.

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Some meetings are a total waste of time.

There’s nothing more frustrating than stopping your actual work to attend a meeting where everyone ends up staring at their laptops and nothing actually gets done.

It’s crazy how many hours we waste in meetings like these.

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You know what an “average” speech looks like. You’ve seen tens, maybe hundreds of them in your lifetime. Chances are, you’ve given a few of them yourself. They’re good, and they’re useful, but they’re not awe-inspiring.

You might also know what an amazing speech looks like — one that’s engrossing, captivating, and inspires action.

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“I wish I were more stressed.” 

I’d guess that you’ve never heard anyone utter that phrase. Almost everyone is on the hunt for ways to avoid or better manage the amount of pressure they experience. 

But what if I told you that introducing a little stress into your routine might make you more productive? 

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

In the words of Grace Hopper: “You manage things. You lead people.” 

The difference between managing and leading might seem fuzzy to managers, but it’s crystal clear to their direct reports.

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Too often we hear of managers leaving employees in the dark, holding company performance data and information close to their chest.

Maybe they think their employees don’t care or that the extra information will be distracting. Maybe they think that level of information is for executive-level decision makers only. No matter their reason or thinking, they’re making a big mistake.

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This post originally appeared on HubSpot’s Sales Blog. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

Work customs and culture vary from country to country. For instance, meeting attendees in the U.S. seat themselves in no particular order around the conference table. But if the most junior person on the team were to take the seat farthest from the door in Japan?

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For many companies, there are few things as important as developing and maintaining a culture that attracts and retains their employees. When coworkers get to know each other as people, they’ll be able to communicate better, trust each other more, and work better together.

Sometimes, though, some structured activities can help coax people out of their shells and help break the ice at work.

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Want to become more emotionally intelligent? Then you need to learn to control your negative emotions.

Even the most mild-mannered among us experience conflict every once in a while, whether it’s with co-workers, friends, family, or even strangers. And most of the time, we simply don’t have control over what happens, and/or how our peers react.

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