Management (Page 4)

In a truly beautiful letter to his daughter Yolande, Sociologist W.E.B. Du Bois extolled the virtues of being uncomfortable.

Yolande was headed to a new school half way around the world from the neighborhood and people she knew. It was years before women had the right to vote, and decades before the Civil Rights Movement.

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We’ve all been a part of that group project. You know, the project where one person takes the lead, leading some members to conclude their ideas are unwelcome, while a select few ride the others’ coattails.

Thanks to experiences like this, it’s no surprise why so many people have been scarred by the nightmares of past group projects.

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Did you know that 2016 is the year the first college graduates of Generation Z (born between 1994–2010) will enter the workforce?

Crazy, right? Think about the perspective they’re going to bring to the workplace — especially having grown up in an ever-connected, technology-focused world.

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If you want to hold brainstorms that unearth better, more creative ideas, it all starts with the people in the room. Like, the actual number of people in the room. 

That’s my first tip for you: Follow the “pizza rule” for brainstorming. If you’re unfamiliar with the “pizza rule,” it’s the idea that if you have more people in a room than you could feed with a pizza, there are too many people in that room to hold a productive meeting.

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When I was just starting out management didn’t seem like a career choice; it seemed like an inevitable. Something that would just sort of happen once I got old enough — like wrinkles, or gray hair, or distinctly unfashionable pants. I figured: You work long enough, you’ll manage someone.

I liked the idea of managing because it felt like progress.

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This year, you’ll likely spend more time with your coworkers than you will with your significant other, parents, best friend, siblings, cat, and … well, you get the point.

Think about it: If you work 40 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, that’s over 2,000 hours a year spent with the same people — give or take a vacation or two, of course. That’s a ton of time, and can often lead to a ton of silent (or not so silent) frustrations.

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“Work smarter, not harder.”

Chances are, you’ve heard this phrase before — and probably more than once. The philosophy behind working “smart” is to maximize your productivity when you are working so that you can get more stuff done in shorter periods of time. By working smarter, you’ll find yourself with more time in the day to sleep, exercise, be creative, and recharge.

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Ever misjudge a hug for a handshake and wind up trapped in some sort of unforgivable in-between? I have.

Ever stumble your way through a few floors of elevator small talk, only to regret 99% of what you said upon returning to your desk? Yup. Guilty of that, too. 

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When people think about becoming managers, many assume it’s going to be all sunshine and roses.

They’ll have more responsibility! They’ll get to help people grow! They’ll get to shape the future of their company! They might even get a raise!

But when they actually become managers, reality can be shocking.

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Take a minute to think about the best mentor you’ve ever had.

This doesn’t have to be someone at work, although it certainly could be. But mentors come in all shapes and sizes: It can be your manager, a colleague, a parent, a friend, a coach, a college professor … anyone who’s been a particularly excellent advisor at some point in your life.

Now, think of what made them stand out to you.

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