Office Life (Page 2)

We often talk about optimizing your website and optimizing your marketing … but what about optimizing your day?

Think about all the things you do in a given day, from eating meals and cleaning your apartment to brainstorming ideas and holding meetings. Believe it or not, there’s an optimum time of day to complete every single one of these activities.

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When was the last time you felt bad about something you did — or didn’t do?

For me, it happened about 30 minutes prior to typing this sentence. I left the house later than I had planned, because I allowed extra time for my workout. I felt guilty for dedicating time to my own stuff, when I knew I had a looming deadline.

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When you listen to someone speak, are you really listening to them … or are you listening to the voice in your head?

Hearing someone and listening to someone are two very different things. It’s all too common for people to wait for their turn to speak or think about what to say next instead of truly listening to someone. 

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There’s nothing that squashes vacation bliss quite like coming home to a crazy inbox.

One minute, you’re reminiscing about the stunning sunset you caught on your last night. The next, you’re scrolling through an overwhelming number of unread emails, desperately trying to discern which ones you actually need to read and wondering why on earth you thought it was okay to take vacation in the first place.

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There’s a big difference between having a strong work ethic and being a workaholic.

When you have a strong work ethic, it means you have a strong sense of responsibility, you put in your best effort, and you care about the quality of your work — but you also cut yourself a break every once in a while to recharge.

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Gmail is one of the most popular email clients for webmail right now — and with good reason. It’s one of the most powerful and reliable email clients available, and makes checking and organizing email easy. (And dare I say fun?)

But there are a whole lot of cool things you can do in Gmail that not a lot of people know about.

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I know, I know. It’s little depressing to think about how much time we spend staring at screens on a daily basis. Turns out the average person spends just under seven hours looking at a device screen every day — whether it’s their smartphone, tablet, laptop, or TV.

As discouraging as that is, it’s important for marketers to understand how people are using all of their favorite devices to read, watch, and interact with content on the web.

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As businesses grow and add new people to their team, they often face the challenge of having to move to a new office space.

But there’s a lot that goes into that decision. What kind of office space suits your team and team culture best? How can you set up a space that encourages productivity and invites growth?

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When’s the last time you took a real vacation? Not just a long weekend, but a real vacation — one with some serious rest and relaxation time?

If you’re scratching your head, you’re not alone. In fact, according to the U.S. Travel Association, workers typically fail to take even five vacation days a year.

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Everyone gets stressed at work at one time or another.

And hey, sometimes, that can be a good thing. When you’re under some pressure and your brain’s working hard, it can make you more efficient and productive in the end — and you may even find more satisfaction with your work when it is done.

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While most of those “survivalist” reality TV shows — like Survivor and Naked and Afraid — send contestants to exotic, tropical locations, the producers of those shows are really missing out on an exceptionally chaotic destination: the office.

True, in the office you don’t have to worry about building a shelter (that’s usually provided) or getting swallowed whole by an anaconda, but there are other dangers office workers have to face.

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There’s a common misconception about happiness in the workplace. It goes like this: Great work leads to big success, which leads to happiness.

Sounds like it should work out that way, right?

Turns out that model for happiness is totally backwards. Happiness isn’t a destination; it’s a starting point — one that enables positive outcomes at work.

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One of my favorite things about working remotely — which I do a few times a month — is the freedom to get comfortable. When I work from home, I’m usually find myself in one of three positions: sitting up at the table, laying down with my laptop, or buried in a pillow avalanche on my couch. (Sound familiar to anyone?)

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