
The Fear Factor … we just love (to) FEAR don’t we??   Fear in it’s original form is a primal emotion / instinct that has served us well in the period(s) of our development into our societies current level of abundance, intelligence, sophistication etc etc or what we now knowContinue Reading

I remember when my husband and I were trying to live on about $1200/month.  We were both working full time and fighting a losing battle to stay afloat. We listened to motivational audios that urged us to believe in our dreams, and we knew that we could have any kindContinue Reading

Positive Thinking Tip: optimism will lead you to financial solutions, but be smart and live responsibly in the here and now.
Here is a question from one of my readers that I thought was worthwhile to share with  you.
How do you think, especially speak, feel, and act as though you are rich, and…
A. not spend money you don’t have?
B. still give positive responses as though the money is here now to people asking you to do things you don’t have the money for???
How do you “feel” like the money is here now, when you see… Read moreContinue Reading

Last month I was asked to speak at my local church congregation’s sacrament meeting. I hadn’t planned on sharing my ‘talk’ publicly because my blog readership is made up of people from a wide variety of religious backgrounds and belief systems, and I have always striven to focus on principles and precepts that people of faith around the world all share in common. But I’ve recently felt like there may be some who would benefit from this message. First, I introduced myself… then I continued with this: I’d like to talk about two things in particular that we’ve been asked in the Bible to do – to have faith … Continue reading Continue Reading