Overcoming Adversity (Page 2)

Parenting Transformation Journey – page 17 (click here for page 1) (Originally posted August 14, 2013) All day yesterday, my 11 year-old son hoped I would find time to take him fishing. I had already picked up some hooks and bait the day before with the money he gave me, andContinue Reading

I was invited to speak at an LDS Homeschooler’s Conference hosted by Celestia Shumway (treeoflifemothering.com), attended by mothers who wanted to stay at home to raise their children but who sometimes struggled to make ends meet financially. In this program, I share more candidly my own struggle to be aContinue Reading

Parenting can be hard!  So when difficult behaviors wreak havoc on the family, you might just need a few more tools in the toolbox. Finding the core principles that govern success in any area of life is absolutely key to succeeding in that area, and what you’ll find on this podcast is no exception. This … Continue reading #28: Parenting Principles PreviewContinue Reading

Back when all my kids still lived at home: Tonight was our weekly family night, an evening set aside to spend time with the kids and improve our family relationships through activities and instruction. However, more often than we’d like, it’s actually the only family argument to open and closeContinue Reading

An actual message to one of my teenagers who was complaining too much about his responsibilities: You’re doing so well in so many areas. But it saddens me that you blame dad when you don’t feel like doing your duties. You’re old enough to govern yourself, so govern yourself or be governed. If you were … Continue reading Talking to teensContinue Reading

What would happen if you could feel grateful for EVERYTHING?
Is it even possible to feel grateful for everything? The fact is, feeling good about your problems literally activates certain laws of success for happier outcomes.
And who doesn’t want happier outcomes?
I talked about the following just two weeks ago, but this piece merits a repeat:
When you change how you feel, the nature of your surroundings begins to shift ever so slightly. People begin to respond to you differently. Someone who may not have had two words for you before may suddenly feel compelled to talk with you,… Read moreContinue Reading

When you understand the laws of thought, it is possible to look at life’s problems and actually feel good about them. There are rewards for those who do this.
Hey there – this is going to be one of my deeper posts. I want to speak specifically to any of my readers who are dealing with something especially heavy.
Now, I’m about to throw some deep philosophical stuff at you. Heavy things merit a heavy discussion. So to begin with, read these next lines very carefully, one at a time. Consider each of them, and see if they ring true… Read moreContinue Reading

Could you use some help reprogramming your mind for better health?
If you’ve been struggling, take a look. This is for No Charge.
I’m participating in a gift-giveaway event this week, and noticed that some of the other contributions look pretty cool. There are ten different gifts to choose from, but here are a few that specifically caught my eye, because they are designed to help you work WITH your mind to overcome challenges that keep you from feeling your best.
Meditation & Affirmation Kit…
Includes a meditation/affirmation audio with sophisticated brainwave entrainment technology to help your subconscious mind relax… Read moreContinue Reading

“The solution to every problem is only an idea away.” — Portal to Genius
But what if you get the idea, and then forget what it was?
I was driving home one day and was pondering a really powerful “aha” moment. I thought, “Ooooh, I need to write that one down…” But by the time I could stop and commit the idea to paper, it was gone. It was one of those slippery fish that escaped before being speared by the pencil.
That really worried me, because every now and then I have a spark of inspiration that provides me… Read moreContinue Reading

Here’s a question I received that I think is worth discussing. The reader said:
“Since reading the Jackrabbit Factor and feeling elated, it seems that our finances have gone down the tubes. I have not been able to pay bills on time, money is taking longer than usual to come in, we have bounced checks, etc. I know right now I am dwelling on the negative, but wondered why this is happening just at the time that I feel I have discovered the answer?”
Here’s my reply, somewhat modified:
When you’re aiming for big changes, it’s normal to face equally… Read moreContinue Reading

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of what your spouse is supposed to be doing.
Heck, it can be hard enough achieving goals with all the lofty expectations of what YOU are supposed to be doing!
At one time I had to come to terms with the fact that I was in another one of those “temporary seasons of imbalance” and decided to just hunker down and get through it. My husband agreed, and was there to support me, filling in gaps wherever… Read moreContinue Reading