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  Whenever bitcoin experiences a sharp drop or volatility, mainstream media analysts jump to declare that cryptocurrency isn’t stable enough to be considered money. The double-digit crash of the Argentine peso in one day, simply due to an election in the country, can be said to prove the same aboutContinue Reading

  Last week in Russia, state agents tore apart the offices of FBK, a privately funded anti-corruption foundation, freezing group assets and more than 100 bank accounts. Officials are using suspicion of money laundering as justification for targeting the largely bitcoin-funded group, possibly in a bid to quell their handContinue Reading

In 2017, 92% of marketers who used influencer marketing found it to be effective. Influencer marketing has grown steadily in popularity over the past few years, and for good reason — oftentimes, customers trust influencers over celebrities when choosing which products to buy, or which brands to endorse. In fact, marketersContinue Reading

  A decade ago when Satoshi Nakamoto unleashed the Bitcoin network, the security behind the protocol was guarded by only a few miners. These days, mining the SHA-256 algorithm has become a thriving industry that hasn’t stopped growing. Bitcoin Mining Pools and ASICs Change the Game Every waking second ofContinue Reading

Infinity Traffic Boost Infinity Traffic Boost ( ITB ) is a Simple yet Powerful Advertising and Income System that will pay you Bitcoin Daily for surfing and referring others to do the same. What’s even better, you can earn larger and larger Bitcoin referral commissions (up to 80%!) on purchasesContinue Reading

As scary as it may seem, everyone is a target on the Web. Worse, your susceptibility to cyber attacks, when not promptly addressed, marks you not just as a target but can even lead others to consider you as a threat. How so? When mismanaged, for example, some of yourContinue Reading

  On August 7, developers from the team Block Hop announced a new sandbox game powered by the Bitcoin Cash (BCH) blockchain. The gaming software called Realmx is a “next-generation” game that uses blockchain technology, extensible crafted items, and online gaming to create unique experiences and gameplay. Developers Announce Realmx,Continue Reading

  With the recent Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS) announcement that even more customers will be charged to hold money in their banks, people are scrambling to find ways to preserve their wealth, while USB and others scramble to dam the losses resulting from national negative interest rate policy (NIRP).Continue Reading

  The ongoing Kleiman v. Wright case saw expert testimony on Monday from the plaintiff’s cryptography specialist, alongside the defendant Craig Wright’s witness, Nchain CTO Steve Shadders. The court participants discussed parsing through 27,000 bitcoin addresses as well the Kleimans’ forensic expert finding discrepancies within specific documents and contracts betweenContinue Reading

  Government dominance of human beings via slavery and violent economic oppression is as old as government itself. For thousands and thousands of years kings and rulers, usually held to be “appointed by God,” have used free, non-violent individuals as their tax farm livestock to exploit for economic gain andContinue Reading

Oftentimes, turning an idea for an advertising campaign into reality isn’t exactly simple. Among other things, you must get buy-in from other teams, earn approval from bosses and executives, negotiate your budget, and present a clear path for return on investment (ROI). The best way to clearly present your proposal,Continue Reading