Family & Friends

When making a phone call, if you dial the numbers right, it works. Children who have never used a phone often have trouble making it work right for a while, just as we can have trouble making the laws of success work to achieve our goals. It takes practice! WhenContinue Reading

The Satoshi Revolution: A Revolution of Rising Expectations Section 5: Saving the World Through Anarchism Chapter 11, Part 2 The Double C-Word in the Private Sector The first rule of the politics of fear is that if you want to make something sound scarier than it actually is, you addContinue Reading

    One of the dangers children face today can happen in their own home. Cyberbullying is a real issue with sometimes deadly consequences. Even if you think your child isn’t experiencing cyberbullying, it’s important to know the signs.   Prevention and Spotting Prevent cyberbullying by making sure your childContinue Reading

The following idea comes from Livia Pewtress (, shared with permission. (Read the FULL story here). She writes: [There] are a few … things we do to help keep the light and connection in our home, and not have our family time hijacked by technology: Devices charge in the kitchenContinue Reading

My family spent a week pulling a trailer to various places between Mesa, Arizona and Salt Lake City, Utah for spring break when the kids were younger. Oh, I could write volumes on the shenanigans we experienced, but for the sake of this post, I’ll try to keep it toContinue Reading

Two Sundays ago I woke up and made Trevan a special birthday breakfast. Well, not incredibly special, just pancakes with whipped cream and strawberries, and scrambled eggs with sausage. But I did bring it to him in bed (a tradition in our family for those who have a birthday), soContinue Reading

I stumbled onto an old message while looking for something else, and it’s prompted me to bring together in one place a few different conversations I’ve had on this topic. It’s not organized in any particular way, and my newsletter is already long overdue, so I’m going to just shareContinue Reading

Parenting Transformation Journey – page 17 (click here for page 1) (Originally posted August 14, 2013) All day yesterday, my 11 year-old son hoped I would find time to take him fishing. I had already picked up some hooks and bait the day before with the money he gave me, andContinue Reading

Parenting can be hard!  So when difficult behaviors wreak havoc on the family, you might just need a few more tools in the toolbox. Finding the core principles that govern success in any area of life is absolutely key to succeeding in that area, and what you’ll find on this podcast is no exception. This … Continue reading #28: Parenting Principles PreviewContinue Reading

Back when all my kids still lived at home: Tonight was our weekly family night, an evening set aside to spend time with the kids and improve our family relationships through activities and instruction. However, more often than we’d like, it’s actually the only family argument to open and closeContinue Reading

An actual message to one of my teenagers who was complaining too much about his responsibilities: You’re doing so well in so many areas. But it saddens me that you blame dad when you don’t feel like doing your duties. You’re old enough to govern yourself, so govern yourself or be governed. If you were … Continue reading Talking to teensContinue Reading

If you’re married and working toward a goal, sometimes living the principles can be especially challenging because deep down you have certain expectations of what your spouse is supposed to be doing.
Heck, it can be hard enough achieving goals with all the lofty expectations of what YOU are supposed to be doing!
At one time I had to come to terms with the fact that I was in another one of those “temporary seasons of imbalance” and decided to just hunker down and get through it. My husband agreed, and was there to support me, filling in gaps wherever… Read moreContinue Reading