International (Page 153)

International affairs, news and other Information

Some of the pages on your website are more important than others. Okay, many of you probably find that fairly obvious — but I’m surprised how few people actually apply this knowledge to their websites to improve conversions.

I’m all about low hanging fruit; about undertaking the easiest tasks that will have the biggest results. What I’m about to describe in this article has the potential to improve your site dramatically with just a few, critical changes.

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Having a social media profile without a cover photo is like having a brick-and-mortar business without a store sign. Although brands could technically do without either, I wouldn’t recommend it.

Social media cover photos are great for communicating brand values, highlighting a current campaign, or conveying what your company has to offer.

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If I were to ask you to define a successful career, there’s a 46% chance you’d cite “money” as the measuring stick. Yet despite the emphasis placed on income, marketers are going about maximizing earnings in a flawed manner.

I’ve managed marketers for the past decade, and most see career growth as “incrementally hierarchal” — progress unfolds linearly as the person climbs from one level of seniority to the next.

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Calling all marketers who are totally, completely, 100% satisfied with how your marketing channels are performing. I have some bad news for you:

There’s still more work to be done. A lot more.

You see, unlike Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling, or Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, marketing isn’t a piece of artwork that has a finite end.

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Blogs are like tattoos: you can’t stop at one. You think you can, but there’s an irresistible pull toward yet another one. So you hire someone whose primary job is to focus on content. Then you start adding blogs. It’s easy to do, really. Once you have the systems in place to create high-quality content for one blog, it’s really just a matter of design and scheduling to create another.

Each of our three company blogs has a different target persona, so we’re writing to different audiences. But we’re a sales strategy company, and all our target personas need to read some of the sales strategy we discuss, so what do we do?

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Over the last eight years, lots of things have changed in HubSpot’s marketing. When I first joined, we had two marketers; now, we have seventy. We used to have a database of a few thousand; now, it’s filled with millions of contacts. And our monthly lead numbers? They used to hover around a few hundred. Now, they’re up in the tens of thousands. 

As we’ve grown, our strategies have had to grow with us — especially on email.

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There were hundreds of business books published this year. With so many books to choose from, it’s nearly impossible to figure out which ones you should actually read.

We decided to simplify things for you. Similar to the way Nate Silver aggregates political polling data, BookBub aggregated 23 different “Best Books of 2014” lists — from The New York Times to The Financial Times and more.

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The complexity of marketing is growing as fast as technology innovation accelerates and it’s doing so at a pace that’s difficult for any industry to keep up with. But businesses can`t afford to be the tortoise or the hare in this story.Continue Reading

This post originally appeared on the Sales section of Inbound Hub. To read more content like this, subscribe to Sales.

Monday morning. You sit down with a large cup of coffee, open your inbox, and start tackling the first email. You’re almost ready to hit send when —

Your phone rings. Midway through the call — 

Your boss comes over and asks you to take on a time-sensitive task. You get started on it and —

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When you’re first starting out with inbound, it’s really easy to get carried away with all the things you want to accomplish. Blog about all the things! Build all the landing pages! Send all the emails! Schedule all the tweets!

In reality, there’s one huge, super important thing you need to do before doing any of the above: You need to build buyer personas.

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We marketers seem to like rules. (And when none exist, we’ll settle for guidelines.) Those of us who write about the marketing space appear to recognize this tendency, which is why you’ll find so many benchmarking reports, how-to articles, and definitive lists for marketers.

Some challenges, however, are too nuanced for a binary best practice.

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The following is an excerpt from our free resource, An Illustrated Guide to Organizational Structures. If you’d like to download the full guide, click here.

Behind every great company, division, or team is a great organizational structure — a structure tailored to a company’s, division’s, or team’s goals, and one that helps employees understand how they fit into the bigger picture.

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