Data-Driven Marketing (Page 3)

Nowadays, getting a website up and running isn’t nearly as difficult as it once was. Optimizing the design of that website for improved user experience (UX), on the other hand, continues to be something that marketers struggle with.

In fact, according to a report from the Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA), 77% of agencies believe that poor website UX is a weakness for their clients, making poor UX the most significant weakness agencies identified. 

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Inbound marketing is shown to be incredibly effective for attracting website visitors and generating leads. But for many companies, there’s still a place for outbound marketing tactics (like print advertising, broadcasting, and so on) alongside those inbound tactics.

So how can offline marketing work hand-in-hand with your online marketing efforts? Is there a way to incorporate both into your larger marketing strategy?

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As a marketer, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about how to promote and distribute the content your team creates — which includes social media outreach. After all, you know that by tapping into the right social networks and key influencers at the right times, you can expose your content to a wider audience.

But what constitutes the “right” social networks, the “right” times to post, and the “right” key influencers? 

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Every year for the last eight years, we’ve published a little report we like to call the State of Inbound. In short, this report benchmarks the tactics, challenges, and priorities of marketers and salespeople around the world.

As you would imagine, the landscape has change quite drastically over the course of eight years: new technologies have been introduced, once reliable tactics have lost their appeal, and as a result, company priorities have shifted. 

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As more and more people use their mobile phones to surf the internet, marketers have had to rethink how and where we create, share, and optimize content on the web — including email.

In the past year or two, we’ve seen a number of notable changes in the way people check and read their email.

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The pivot table is one of Excel’s most powerful — and intimidating — functions. Powerful, because it can help you summarize and make sense of large data sets. Intimidating, because you’re not exactly an Excel expert, and pivot tables have always had a reputation for being complicated.

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It’s that time again. You’ve spent countless hours creating and executing a campaign, and now you’re finally ready to present the results to your boss. You’ve rehearsed your presentation meticulously, and feel great about the whole deck … except that one slide that shows a report that doesn’t quite make sense.

Even though the rest of your data is compelling, you know your boss will somehow find a way to focus on the one chart that isn’t. 

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Many marketers use Microsoft Excel every single day, whether it’s to create a waterfall report, analyze data, or run a report to present at the next team meeting.

Creating reports like these in Excel is time-consuming enough. How can we spend a little less time navigating, formatting, selecting, and entering formulas for our data? Wouldn’t it be great if there were keyboard shortcuts that could help us get our work done faster?

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Even a goldfish can pay attention for longer than most people can nowadays. The ever-decreasing human attention span is one of the the biggest challenges marketers are faced with today.

For those looking to conduct market research through surveys, the fight for our audience’s attention can seem incredibly discouraging.

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On our path to embracing a new era of marketing and sales, HubSpot discovered something important. Relevant data is the heartbeat of good inbound marketing and sales. In order to make sure we stay on top of trends, information, and the goals of our customers, we decided to launch HubSpot Research.

The goal is simple: we have analysts and contributors gather data and create thought leadership that ultimately helps people transform their businesses for the better.

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It’s hard to generalize about “the state of marketing” in the world when marketing looks and feels different depending on where you are.

Just like location, technologies, culture, and politics affects consumer behavior, it also affects how marketers, well … do marketing. Marketers in Asia-Pacific might find themselves with different priorities, challenges, and practices than marketers in Latin America, or in Europe, or in Australia and New Zealand, and so on.

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Social media is one of the best ways to amplify the great content you’re creating. But it isn’t enough to just post content to social whenever you feel like it. Some times are better than others.

So … When’s the best time to post content to social media?

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As the old adage goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. And with marketers steadily increasing their visual content budget year over year, it seems that this visual exchange rate now carries even more weight.

In terms of visually displaying information, infographics serve as an ideal way to convey a complex idea in an interesting and manageable format.

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